PHP wrapper for systemctl
How to install
$ composer require icanhazstring/systemctl-php
Current supported units
See Units
If you like to add support for more units, feel free to grab an issue and contribute.
Current supported commands
- start
- stop
- enable
- disable
- reload
- restart
- isEnabled
- isActive
If you like to add support for more commands, feel free to contribute.
How to change the binary
How to change command timeout
To change command tmeout simply call the static method setTimeout
The default timeout is set to
"I need sudo to run commands"
If you need sudo, you should execute the bin executable with sudo. The incode support was dropped due to security reason.
How do I start/stop/restart a unit?
Simply is that. First we instantiate a SystemCtl
instance an load a unit from a specific type. Here we use a Service
. You will always get back true
if the command succeeded. Otherwise the method will throw a CommandFailedException
$systemCtl = new SystemCtl();
// start/stop/enable/disable/reload/restart
How to Contribute
Clone the repo and install using composer
$ composer install
Make your changes and make sure you run test, codesniffer and phpstan.
$ composer test
> vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 9.5.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
............................................................... 63 / 128 ( 49%)
............................................................... 126 / 128 ( 98%)
.. 128 / 128 (100%)
Time: 00:00.033, Memory: 10.00 MB
OK (128 tests, 192 assertions)
$ composer cs
> vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/ && vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 tests/
$ composer analyse
> vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --no-progress
Note: Using configuration file /data/systemctl-php/phpstan.neon.
[OK] No errors
This library is heavily influenced by @mjanser php-systemctl.