


Shopping List - Android with Kotlin and Cloudant Sync

Shopping List is an Offline First demo [Progressive Web App | hybrid mobile app | native mobile app | desktop app] built using Android Studio, Kotlin, and Cloudant Sync Android. This app is part of a series of Offline First demo apps, each built using a different stack.

Quick Start

  1. Install Android Studio and the Kotlin Plugin (included in Android Studio 3.0 and up)
  2. Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/shopping-list-kotlin-cloudant-sync

  1. In Android Studio choose File -> New -> Import Project... (if running IntelliJ IDEA choose Project from Existing Sources)
  2. Select the shopping-list-kotlin-cloudant-sync folder
  3. Create and start an AVD (or a 3rd party emulator like Genymotion)
  4. Run the app from Android Studio


If a build configuration is not created for you automatically (typically the case in IntelliJ IDEA) create a new build configuration:

  1. Click Edit Configurations > + > Android App
  2. Specify a name
  3. Choose the app module
  4. Click OK

If you are having trouble building the project you may need to create a local.properties file:

  1. Create a new file called local.properties in the root of the project
  2. Add the following line to the file (substitute with your Android SDK directory)
