

Shopping List - with Cordova and PouchDB

Shopping List is an Offline First demo [Progressive Web App | hybrid mobile app | native mobile app | desktop app] built using Apache Cordova and PouchDB. This app is part of a series of Offline First demo apps, each built using a different stack.

Quick Start

To see what this app looks like without installing anything, simply visit https://ibm-watson-data-lab.github.io/shopping-list-vuejs-pouchdb/ in a web browser or mobile device. The web app you see there is embedded into Apache Cordova and can be distributed as a native app on Android, iOS, Windows, OSX and others.


Shopping List is a simple demo app, with a limited feature set. Here is a list of features written as user stories grouped by Epic:

App Architecture

<Information detailing the app architecture; for using this app as a reference implementation>

Live Demo

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/shopping-list-cordova-pouchdb.git
cd shopping-list-cordova-pouchdb

Install Cordova:

npm install -g cordova

Install the "platform" you wish to run on (see list of platforms here):

cordova plaform add browser


cordova plaform add osx

Run your app:

cordova run browser


cordova run osx

N.B Each platform has its own requirements that must be installed on your machine, e.g. the Android SDK, or the iOS Development kit.