

IBM Cloud App ID Android SDK

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Installing the SDK:

  1. Add the JitPack repository to the your root build.gradle file at the end of the repository.
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency for the App ID client SDK:
dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.ibm-cloud-security:appid-clientsdk-android:6.+'
  1. Within your Android project in Android Studio, open the build.gradle file of your app module (not the project build.gradle), and add the following line to the defaultConfig:
defaultConfig {
    manifestPlaceholders = ['appIdRedirectScheme': android.defaultConfig.applicationId]

Initializing the App ID Client SDK

Initialize the client SDK by passing the context, tenantId and region parameters to the initialize method. A common, though not mandatory, place to put the initialization code is in the onCreate method of the main activity in your Android application.

AppID.getInstance().initialize(getApplicationContext(), <tenantId>, AppID.REGION_UK);

Using the Login Widget

Use the LoginWidget class to start the authorization flow.

LoginWidget loginWidget = AppID.getInstance().getLoginWidget();
loginWidget.launch(this, new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled () {
        //Authentication canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        //User authenticated


Managing Cloud Directory with the Android SDK

Make sure to set Cloud Directory identity provider to ON in AppID dashboard, when using the following APIs.

Sign in using Resource Owner Password

You can obtain access token, id token and refresh token by supplying the end user's username and password.

AppID.getInstance().signinWithResourceOwnerPassword(getApplicationContext(), username, password, new TokenResponseListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        //User authenticated

Sign Up

Make sure to set Allow users to sign up and reset their password to ON, in the settings for Cloud Directory. Use the LoginWidget class to start the sign up flow.

LoginWidget loginWidget = AppID.getInstance().getLoginWidget();
loginWidget.launchSignUp(this, new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled () {
        //Sign up canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        if (accessToken != null && identityToken != null) {
            //User authenticated
        } else {
            //email verification is required

Forgot Password

Make sure to set Allow users to sign up and reset their password and Forgot password email to ON, in the settings for Cloud Directory

Use LoginWidget class to start the forgot password flow.

LoginWidget loginWidget = AppID.getInstance().getLoginWidget();
loginWidget.launchForgotPassword(this, new AuthorizationListener() {
 	public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled () {
        // Forogt password canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        // Forgot password finished, in this case accessToken and identityToken will be null.

Change Details

Make sure to set Allow users to sign up and reset their password to ON, in Cloud Directory settings that are in AppID dashboard. Use LoginWidget class to start the change details flow. This API can be used only when the user is logged in using Cloud Directory identity provider.

LoginWidget loginWidget = AppID.getInstance().getLoginWidget();
loginWidget.launchChangeDetails(this, new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        // Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled () {
        // Changed details canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        // User authenticated, and fresh tokens received

Change Password

Make sure to set Allow users to sign up and reset their password to ON, in the settings for Cloud Directory.

Use LoginWidget class to start the change password flow. This API can be used only when the user logged in by using Cloud Directory as their identity provider.

LoginWidget loginWidget = AppID.getInstance().getLoginWidget();
loginWidget.launchChangePassword(this, new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure (AuthorizationException exception) {
        // Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled () {
        // Change password canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess (AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        // User authenticated, and fresh tokens received

Anonymous Sign in

AppID.getInstance().signinAnonymously(getApplicationContext(), new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure(AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled() {
        //Authentication canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess(AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        //User authenticated

Sign in with refresh token

It is recommended to store the refresh token locally such that it will be possible to sign in with the refresh token without requiring the user to type his credentials again.

AppID.getInstance().signinWithRefreshToken(getApplicationContext(), refreshTokenString, new AuthorizationListener() {
    public void onAuthorizationFailure(AuthorizationException exception) {
        //Exception occurred

    public void onAuthorizationCanceled() {
        //Authentication canceled by the user

    public void onAuthorizationSuccess(AccessToken accessToken, IdentityToken identityToken, RefreshToken refreshToken) {
        //User authenticated


Call the logout function in order to clear the stored tokens.


Manage User Profiles

Using the App ID UserProfileManager, you are able to create, delete, and retrieve user profile attributes as well as get additional info about a user.

AppID appId = AppID.getInstance();
String name = "name";
String value = "value";

appId.getUserProfileManager().setAttribute(name, value, new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject attributes) {
        // Set attribute "name" to "value" successfully

    public void onFailure(UserAttributesException e) {
        // Exception occurred

appId.getUserProfileManager().getAttribute(name, new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject attributes) {
        // Got attribute "name" successfully

    public void onFailure(UserAttributesException e) {
        // Exception occurred

appId.getUserProfileManager().getAllAttributes(new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject attributes) {
        // Got all attributes successfully

    public void onFailure(UserAttributesException e) {
        // Exception occurred

appId.getUserProfileManager().deleteAttribute(name, new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject attributes) {
        // Attribute "name" deleted successfully

    public void onFailure(UserAttributesException e) {
        // Exception occurred

// Retrieve user info using the latest stores access and identity tokens
appId.getUserProfileManager().getUserInfo(new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject userInfo) {
        // retrieved user info successfully

    public void onFailure(UserInfoException e) {
        // Exception occurred

// Retrieve user info using your own accessToken.
// Optionally, pass an identityToken for response verification. (recommended)
appId.getUserProfileManager().getUserInfo(accessToken, identityToken, new UserProfileResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(JSONObject userInfo) {
        // retrieved user info successfully

    public void onFailure(UserInfoException e) {
        // Exception occurred

Invoking protected resources

BMSClient bmsClient = BMSClient.getInstance();
bmsClient.initialize(getApplicationContext(), AppID.REGION_UK);

AppIDAuthorizationManager appIdAuthMgr = new AppIDAuthorizationManager(AppID.getInstance())

Request request = new Request("http://my-mobile-backend.mybluemix.net/protected", Request.GET);
request.send(this, new ResponseListener() {

public void onSuccess (Response response) {
    Log.d("Myapp", "onRegistrationSuccess :: " + response.getResponseText());

public void onFailure (Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
    if (null != t) {
        Log.d("Myapp", "onRegistrationFailure :: " + t.getMessage());
    } else if (null != extendedInfo) {
        Log.d("Myapp", "onRegistrationFailure :: " + extendedInfo.toString());
    } else {
        Log.d("Myapp", "onRegistrationFailure :: " + response.getResponseText());

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This package contains code licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 and may also view the License in the LICENSE file within this package.