

Social Review Microservice implemented with OpenWhisk Serverless Architecture

This project is part of the 'IBM Cloud Native Reference Architecture' suite, available at https://github.com/ibm-cloud-architecture/refarch-cloudnative


This project is built to demonstrate how to build a Microservices application implemented as OpenWhisk actions to access IBM Cloudant NoSQL database. It provides basic operations of saving and querying reviews from a database as part of the Social Review function of BlueCompute. Additionally, the review text is analyzed using the Watson Tone Analyzer service to determine whether to flag negative reviews for further insepection. The project covers following technical areas:

Social Review component Diagram


Provision Cloudant Database in Bluemix

  1. Login to your Bluemix console
  2. Open browser to create Cloudant Service using this link https://console.ng.bluemix.net/catalog/services/cloudant-nosql-db
  3. Name your Cloudant service name like refarch-cloudantdb
  4. For testing, you can select the "Lite" plan, then click "Create"
  5. Once the service has been created, note the service credentials under Service Credentials. In particular, the Social Review microservice requires the url property.

Provision Watson Tone Analyzer in Bluemix

  1. Login to your Bluemix console
  2. Open browser to create the Watson Tone Analyzer service using this link https://console.ng.bluemix.net/catalog/services/tone-analyzer/
  3. Name your Watson Tone Analyzer service like refarch-watson-tone-analyzer
  4. For testing, you can select the "standard" plan, then click "Create"
  5. Once the service has been created, note the service credentials under Service Credentials. In particular, the Social Review microservice requires the username, password, and url properties.

Deploy to BlueMix

You can use the following button to deploy the Social Review microservice to Bluemix, or you can follow the instructions manually below.

Create BlueCompute Deployment Toolchain

Download and configure the OpenWhisk CLI

  1. Log in to Bluemix portal. Ensure that you have selected the Bluemix org and space corresponding to where the Cloudant service was created. Download the OpenWhisk CLI for your platform from this link https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/cli

    Once the CLI is downloaded, add the wsk binary to your path.

  2. From the above link, copy the command to configure the OpenWhisk CLI and paste it into a terminal window. e.g.

    wsk property set --apihost openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net --auth xxxx:yyyy
  3. Run the following to automatically create OpenWhisk packages with the Cloudant credentials in your space:

    # wsk package refresh

    This should result in a package containing your Cloudant database credentials. An example of the package is shown below:

    # wsk package list
    /<org>_<space>/Bluemix_refarch-cloudantdb_refarch-cloudantdb-credential private

Deploy the OpenWhisk package and actions

  1. Use the OpenWhisk CLI to create a socialreview package. Pass the url property from the Cloudant service instance created, and the username, password, and url properties from the Watson Tone Analyzer service instance.

    # wsk package create socialreview --param cloudant_url <cloudant url> \
    --param watson_url <watson tone analyzer url> \
    --param watson_username <watson tone analyzer username> \
    --param watson_password <watson tone analyzer password \
    --param cloudant_reviews_db socialreviewdb
  2. Upload all of the actions under the created package. All of the actions in the package inherit the properties we created in the package (cloudant_url, watson_url, watson_username, watson_password, cloudant_reviews_db):

    # wsk action create socialreview/initCloudant openwhisk/actions/initCloudant.js
    # wsk action create socialreview/saveReview openwhisk/actions/saveReview.js
    # wsk action create socialreview/getReviews openwhisk/actions/getReviews.js
    # wsk action create socialreview/analyzeTone openwhisk/actions/analyzeTone.js
  3. Execute the initCloudant OpenWhisk action to create the Cloudant databases and indexes required by the Social Review microservice.

    # wsk action invoke socialreview/initCloudant --blocking
  4. Create the OpenWhisk REST API gateway for the OpenWhisk actions. This exposes two of the OpenWhisk actions as REST API.

    # wsk api-experimental create /api /reviews/list get socialreview/getReviews
    # wsk api-experimental create /api /reviews/comment post socialreview/saveReview
  5. Create an OpenWhisk trigger called reviewTrigger on the Cloudant database socialreviewdb-staging. This uses the Whisk built-in trigger from the generated Cloudant package. Reviews are initially added to this staging database.

    # wsk trigger create reviewTrigger --feed /<org>_<space>/Bluemix_<Cloudant service name>_<Cloudant service credential>/changes --param dbname socialreviewdb-staging
  6. Create a rule that fires the analyzeTone action when reviewTrigger is triggered. This analyzes the text of posted reviews and uses the output to decide whether to unflag the review so it is returned by the API. Once the text is analyzed, it will be inserted into the socialreviewdb database.

    # wsk rule create handleReviewPosted reviewTrigger socialreview/analyzeTone

Verify the Social Review Microservice

  1. Check the created OpenWhisk endpoints, for example:

    # wsk api-experimental list
    ok: APIs
    Action                            Verb             API Name  URL
    /cent@us.ibm.com_jkwong-dev/socialreview/getReviews     get                 /api  https://d7af58f0-6cdc-4a52-b436-f98991dc09c9-gws.api-gw.mybluemix.net/api/reviews/list
    /cent@us.ibm.com_jkwong-dev/socialreview/saveReview    post                 /api  https://d7af58f0-6cdc-4a52-b436-f98991dc09c9-gws.api-gw.mybluemix.net/api/reviews/comment
  2. In another terminal window, start the OpenWhisk monitor:

    # wsk activation poll

    This will print log messages when actions are executed. Alternatively, you can monitor OpenWhisk from the [dashboard)(https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/dashboard)

  3. Create a positive review using the API:

    # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "comment": "I love this product!", "rating": 5, "reviewer_name": "Jeffrey Kwong", "review_date": "01/19/2016", "reviewer_email": "jkwong@ca.ibm.com"}' https://<OpenWhisk API endpoint>/api/reviews/comment?itemId=13402
      "result": "OK",
      "message": {
        "ok": true,
        "id": "2c9bbcb0e2ecb459cd5582bb74c33976",
        "rev": "1-989bc5220f686df99cda0b3e54339614"

    Observe in the OpenWhisk monitor:

    • the saveReview action is called, which saves the review to the socialreviewdb-staging database
    • the reviewTrigger is fired,
    • which triggers the handleReviewPosted rule,
    • which executes the analyzeTone action. the review text, "I love this product!", is analyzed and determined to be positive, and the comment is inserted into the socialreviewdb database with the JSON document returned by the Watson Tone Analyzer attached.
  4. Call the GET API to get the reviews for the item:

    # curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" https://<OpenWhisk API endpoint>/api/reviews/list?itemId=13402
      "docs": [{
        "reviewer_email": "jkwong@ca.ibm.com",
        "review_date": "01/20/2016",
        "rating": 5,
        "comment": "I love this product!",
        "itemId": 13402,
        "reviewer_name": "Jeffrey Kwong"
  5. Now submit a negative review:

    # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "comment": "I hate this product!", "rating": 1, "reviewer_name": "Jeffrey Kwong", "review_date": "01/19/2016", "reviewer_email": "jkwong@ca.ibm.com"}' https://<OpenWhick API endpoint>/api/reviews/comment?itemId=13402
      "result": "OK",
      "message": {
        "ok": true,
        "id": "5d87b49f0f63ed5be2da39507db991ad",
        "rev": "1-56d0e7d249bec7ef6bbe557a47a970fd"
  6. Observe in the OpenWhisk monitor that the same sequence is fired, but the review comment text is determined to be angry and the review is flagged in the dataabase. In the Cloudant management portal, you can observe that the socialreviewdb table contains the all analyzed reviews with the Watson Tone Analyzer analysis JSON document attached.