

AWS Account Controller

Update March 2022: This is now largely deprecated due to the CloseAccount method

Self-service creation and deletion of sandbox-style accounts

<img width="680" height="707" src="https://github.com/iann0036/aws-account-controller/raw/master/assets/accountmanager.png">



The following is required before proceeding:


Launch Stack

Click the above link to deploy the stack to your environment. This stack creates:

If you prefer, you can also manually upsert the template.yml stack from source.

If you chose to have the stack create a hosted zone for the account root e-mails instead of you bringing your own, you should ensure the nameservers of the new zone are associated with an accessible domains (automatic if the domain was created within Route 53).

Also make sure SES sending service limits are appropriate for the amount of e-mails you intend to receive.

Currently, the only tested region is us-east-1. The stack deploy time is approximately 8 minutes.


To remove this solution, ensure that both S3 buckets have their objects removed then delete the CloudFormation stack. The SES Receipt Rule Set will revert back to default-rule-set. An attempt will be made to terminate the Connect instance, however you should verify this occurs.


In order for you to easily build upon this system, the system makes heavy use of tags for system automation and configuration.

SSO Account Manager

The account manager (as seen at the top of this page) is a custom application that SSO users can access to create accounts or delete previously created accounts on-demand. It will be available to any user who is in the AccountManagerUsers SSO group. The application is accessible via the users SSO dashboard:

SSO Dashboard

The application will ensure only accounts owned by the creator are shown, unless the creator explicitly shares the account with other users, in which case it will be shared with all users who are also in the AccountManagerUsers SSO group. Accounts which are created can optionally require a monthly budget to be set, which if exceeded will automatically trigger a deletion of the account (the maximum budget is an option during installation). Note that actual account spend may exceed the budget as pricing metrics can be delayed up to 6 hours or more for some services.

During installation, if you select true for the Deny Subscription Calls parameter, a number of calls will be denied to created accounts via an SCP such as calls to create reserved instances, register domain names or apply S3 object locks.

You can also elect not to include the SSO functionality by selecting false during installation for the Enable Account Creation Functionality parameter. You do not require SSO to be enabled within the account if you select this option.

E-mail Forwarding

E-mails that are targetting the addresses of the root account will be forwarded by default to the master e-mail address.

Email Forwarding

You can specify a different destination per account by placing a tag with the key AccountEmailForwardingAddress on the account in Organizations. This is set to the SSO user automatically if the account was created with the SSO Account Manager application and the Send Root E-mails to User parameter was set to true during installation.

You can also override the format of the subject line for forwarded e-mails. During installation, you can change the subject line to any string with the following variables available for substitution:

Account Deletion (Manual Method)

In order to elect to delete an account without the use of the SSO Account Manager, simply tag an account within the Organizations console with the following (case not sensitive):

Tag Key: Delete

Tag Value: true

Email Forwarding

Once tagged, a process will perform the following actions on your behalf:

The above process takes approximately 4 minutes.

If the account more than 7 days old, the process completely remove the account from Organizations. If the account is less than 7 days old, a tag with the key AccountDeletionTime will be set with the timestamp the account was deleted at and another tag with the key ScheduledRemovalTime will be set with the timestamp the account will be removed from Organizations.

You can also elect not to include the deletion functionality by selecting false during installation to the Enable Account Deletion Functionality parameter.

Other Features / Options

There are some other features and options that may be specified during installation. These include:


Architecture Diagram


Per the original post, I highly recommend you do not use this in an organization that has production workloads associated with it. It is intended for developer accounts only.