


⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

The ouimeaux project is no longer actively maintained. Please contact @iancmcc if you would like to be added to a list of maintained forks.

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Open source control for Belkin WeMo devices



$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ mkdir ouimeaux-env
$ virtualenv ouimeaux-env
$ source ouimeaux-env/bin/activate
$ cd ouimeaux-env
$ pip install git+https://github.com/iancmcc/ouimeaux.git

At this point you should be able to use wemo and wemo server so long as you've activated your environment with source ouimeaux-env/bin/activate.

Note: Ensure that the pip and virtualenv command you use belongs to a Python 2 installation. On some systems, there are multiple versions of Python installed. See below for an example from my Fedora system.

$ /bin/ls -1 "$(dirname $(which python))/virtualenv"{,-2} "$(dirname $(which python))/p"{ython,ip}[23]

$ pip --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages (python 3.5)

$ pip2 --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)

HTTP client version

The client.py script provided by BlackLight allows the user to send simple commands to a device without the cumbersome (and currently broken) Discoverer object.

Requirements: install requests:

pip install requests

You can run client.py in two modes:

Scan mode

Will scan for available WeMo Switch devices on the network. Example:

python client.py --scan --subnet

Action mode

Will run an action on a specified device. Example:

python client.py --device --on

With no --on|--off|--toggle action specified the script will return a JSON with the device info:

  "device": "",
  "name": "Lightbulbs",
  "state": false

Run python client.py --help for more info about the available options.


Using a VPN

The wemo command won't be able to communicate with your devices if you're connected to a VPN. It may be redirecting UDP traffic somewhere else. Disconnect from the VPN and the tool should work.

Open an issue and I'll try to help.