

ParamWizard - URL Parameter Extractor

ParamWizard is a powerful Python-based tool designed for extracting and identifying URLs with parameters from a specified website. It provides a comprehensive way to discover hidden parameters within a web application by crawling and analyzing the URLs of the domain. The tool can handle both HTTP and HTTPS URLs and ensures that only URLs belonging to the specified domain are processed, offering a focused and relevant extraction of parameters.

python3 paramwizard.py -h                             


         [  ͙͘͡★  ] ParamWizard v1.0 created by iamunixtz [  ͙͘͡★  ]  

Usage: python script.py [options]

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -u, --url URL         Process a single URL
  -f, --file FILE       File containing URLs to process
  -o, --output FILE     Output file name (default: paramwizard.txt)
  -v, --verbose mode    Show logs
  --time-sec            Increase time to waiting for target response
  --threads             Increasing number of threads 

Installation on Kali/debian

apt update  -y && apt upgrade -y
apt install python3
git clone https://github.com/iamunixtz/ParamWizard/
cd ParamWizard
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 paramwizard.py -h

Usage Manual on Single Target.

python3 paramwizard.py -u target.com -v

Usage Manual on list target By using while loop

while IFS= read -r url; do
  python3 paramwizard.py -u "$url" -v
done < urls.txt

NB: The tool is currently facing some SSL certificate issues on certain websites, but these will be fixed soon. If you can handle this, feel free to DM me on X. I will add you as a contributor. Thank you!