

Google Translate API

A Node.JS library to consume Google Translate for free.

GitHub release Dependencies Known Vulnerabilities license

Feature Highlights

Table of Contents


# Stable version, from npm repository
npm install --save @iamtraction/google-translate

# Latest version, from GitHub repository
npm install --save iamtraction/google-translate


// If you've installed from npm, do:
const translate = require('@iamtraction/google-translate');

// If you've installed from GitHub, do:
const translate = require('google-translate');

Method: translate(text, options)

translate(text, options).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
textStringNo-The text you want to translate.
optionsObject--The options for translating.
options.fromStringYes'auto'The language name/ISO 639-1 code to translate from. If none is given, it will auto detect the source language.
options.toStringYes'en'The language name/ISO 639-1 code to translate to. If none is given, it will translate to English.
options.rawBooleanYesfalseIf true, it will return the raw output that was received from Google Translate.

Returns: Promise<Object>

Response Object:

textStringThe translated text.
from.language.didYouMeanBooleanWhether or not the API suggest a correction in the source language.
from.language.isoStringThe ISO 639-1 code of the language that the API has recognized in the text.
from.text.autoCorrectedBooleanWhether or not the API has auto corrected the original text.
from.text.valueStringThe auto corrected text or the text with suggested corrections. Only returned if from.text.autoCorrected or from.text.didYouMean is true.
from.text.didYouMeanBooleanWherether or not the API has suggested corrections to the text
rawStringThe raw response from Google Translate servers. Only returned if options.raw is true in the request options.


From automatic language detection to English:

translate('Tu es incroyable!', { to: 'en' }).then(res => {
  console.log(res.text); // OUTPUT: You are amazing!
}).catch(err => {

From English to French, with a typo:

translate('Thank you', { from: 'en', to: 'fr' }).then(res => {
  console.log(res.text); // OUTPUT: Je vous remercie
  console.log(res.from.autoCorrected); // OUTPUT: true
  console.log(res.from.text.value); // OUTPUT: [Thank] you
  console.log(res.from.text.didYouMean); // OUTPUT: false
}).catch(err => {

Sometimes Google Translate won't auto correct:

translate('Thank you', { from: 'en', to: 'fr' }).then(res => {
  console.log(res.text); // OUTPUT: ''
  console.log(res.from.autoCorrected); // OUTPUT: false
  console.log(res.from.text.value); // OUTPUT: [Thank] you
  console.log(res.from.text.didYouMean); // OUTPUT: true
}).catch(err => {


If you liked this project, please give it a ⭐ in GitHub.

Credits to matheuss for writing the original version of this library. I rewrote this, with improvements and without using many external libraries, as his library was not actively developed and had vulnerabilities.