


SHPop is lightweight library used for popup view

Version License Platform

<img src="/Screenshots/mockup.png" />

Sample One

<img src="/Screenshots/SampleOne.gif" />

Sample Two

<img src="/Screenshots/SampleTwo.gif" />

Sample Three

<img src="/Screenshots/SampleThree.gif" />


SHPopup supports a popup inside another popup without dismissing

SHPopup is customizable


Just drag and drop the SHPopup.swift file from SHPopup folder to your project.


Main viewcontroller must be embed in a navigation controller

Set Popup View

Set a viewcontroller as popup view using setPopup function

    let PopupVC = setPopupVC(storyboradID:"Main",viewControllerID:"restorationIdentifier")

you should set Storyboard name and viewcontroller id in setPopup function

Present Popup View

    self.presentPopup(controller: popupVC, completion: nil)

Dismiss Popup View

    self.dismissPopup(completion: nil)


  1. Popup View alignment options .top .center .bottom .custom - you can specify the x and y point of popup view
    popupVC?.popupAlign = .top

custom alignment option

    popupVC?.popupCustomAlign = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100)
  1. Popup View animation options .normal .top .bottom .bottomBounce .topBounce
    popupVC?.popupAnimation = .bottom
  1. Poup View touch dismiss
    popupVC?.touchDismiss = true

By default it is true

  1. Popup View Size - you can specify the width and height of popup view
    popupVC?.popupSize = CGSize(width: 250, height: 250)
  1. Popup View overlay Color - you can specify any color as overlay
    popupVC?.overlayColor = UIColor.black
  1. Popup View Corner Radius
    popupVC?.popupCorner = 5

For more you can download the sample project.



Download the Sample project.


<b>Shezad Ahamed</b>

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Inspired by STZPopupView


SHPopup is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.