AddFlutter2Existing Android App
Tutorial for adding flutter to your new or existing android app.
Create a Flutter module
Let's assume you have an existing Android app at some/path/MyApp, and that you want your Flutter project as a sibling:
cd some/path/
$ flutter create -t module my_flutter
This creates a some/path/my_flutter/ Flutter module project with some Dart code to get you started and a .android/ hidden subfolder that wraps up the module project in an Android library.
(While not required in what follows, if you so desire, you can build that library using Gradle:
$ cd .android/
$ ./gradlew flutter:assembleDebug
Make the host app depend on the Flutter module
Include the Flutter module as a sub-project in the host app's settings.gradle:
// MyApp/settings.gradle
include ':app' // assumed existing content
setBinding(new Binding([gradle: this])) // new
evaluate(new File( // new
settingsDir.parentFile, // new
'my_flutter/.android/include_flutter.groovy' // new
)) // new
The binding and script evaluation allows the Flutter module to include itself (as :flutter) and any Flutter plugins used by the module (as :package_info, :video_player, etc) in the evaluation context of your settings.gradle.
Introduce an implementation dependency on the Flutter module from your app:
// MyApp/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation project(':flutter')
More in the video
Getting Started
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.