

If you had wings<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28949235/115189409-5f4ff380-a121-11eb-93d5-335e73945651.png" align=left width=200>

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WWDC 2021 Swift Student Challnge submission


SWIFT 5.3 Xcode SWIFT Playgrounds


<p align=center><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28949235/115190700-66780100-a123-11eb-929c-f0360c133853.png" alt="image" width=100 /></p> <p align=center>SwiftUI</p> <p align=center><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28949235/115191618-a4c1f000-a124-11eb-81fe-046fe8a58942.png" alt="image" width=300 /></p> <p align=center>SpriteKit</p>


Just talking to young children about global warming makes it hard for them to understand and they don't know what to do to stop it. So I want to let them know about it easily through my playground book. At the same time, I want children who started coding to learn about String and Bool too.

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The fairy gives the user wings, and the user can enter his or her name to get his or her ticket. This is to arouse interest in children who use this book.

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users who travel to WINTER LAND can meet animals living in the Antartica and Arctic. Users can click the animals to see what characteristics they have.

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On the third page, it shows the dark background of melting glaciers due to global warming. Animals have changed to be affected by global warming. Like the second page, Users can click the animals to see how they have been affected by global warming.

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On the fourth page, it shows what would happen if global warming did not stop and all the glaciers melted on Earth. The sea level rises 66 meters, the Statue of Liberty sunk into the sea up to its shoulders. This shows that not only animals living in the polar regions but also people are affected by global warming. It tells us what to do to stop global warming as a Bool variable and User can change false directly to true. A picture of the variable that corresponds to the value changed to true appears at the top of the view, and the sea level drops each time an action is taken. In the end, changing all variables to true shows that the sea level is lowered.

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On the last page, happy-looking animals are saying goodbye. And this book page reminds users of what they have learned.