



Guideline exampleGrid example
<img src="guideline-example.png" width="300"><img src="grid-example.png" width="300">

A sophisticated and highly customizable Cytoscape.js extension for grid and guideline interactions, distributed under The MIT License. The following features are provided:

The users are allowed to customize various things about the functionality including:

Please cite the following paper when using this extension:

U. Dogrusoz , A. Karacelik, I. Safarli, H. Balci, L. Dervishi, and M.C. Siper, "Efficient methods and readily customizable libraries for managing complexity of large networks", PLoS ONE, 13(5): e0197238, 2018.


Here is a demo:

<p align="center"> <a href="https://ivis-at-bilkent.github.io/cytoscape.js-grid-guide/demo.html"><img src="https://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~ivis/images/demo1.png" height=42px></a> </p>


For example the code below aligns selected nodes to top left of first selected node.

cy.nodes(":selected").align("top", "left")

Default Undo/Redo Actions

ur.do("align", {
    nodes: cy.nodes(":selected"),
    vertical: "left",
    horizontal: "top",
    alignTo: cy.nodes(":selected")[0],

Default Options

var options = {
    // On/Off Modules
    /* From the following four snap options, at most one should be true at a given time */
    snapToGridOnRelease: true, // Snap to grid on release
    snapToGridDuringDrag: false, // Snap to grid during drag
    snapToAlignmentLocationOnRelease: false, // Snap to alignment location on release
    snapToAlignmentLocationDuringDrag: false, // Snap to alignment location during drag
    distributionGuidelines: false, // Distribution guidelines
    geometricGuideline: false, // Geometric guidelines
    initPosAlignment: false, // Guideline to initial mouse position
    centerToEdgeAlignment: false, // Center to edge alignment
    resize: false, // Adjust node sizes to cell sizes
    parentPadding: false, // Adjust parent sizes to cell sizes by padding
    drawGrid: true, // Draw grid background

    // General
    gridSpacing: 20, // Distance between the lines of the grid.
    snapToGridCenter: true, // Snaps nodes to center of gridlines. When false, snaps to gridlines themselves. Note that either snapToGridOnRelease or snapToGridDuringDrag must be true.

    // Draw Grid
    zoomDash: true, // Determines whether the size of the dashes should change when the drawing is zoomed in and out if grid is drawn.
    panGrid: false, // Determines whether the grid should move then the user moves the graph if grid is drawn.
    gridStackOrder: -1, // Namely z-index
    gridColor: '#dedede', // Color of grid lines
    lineWidth: 1.0, // Width of grid lines

    // Guidelines
    guidelinesStackOrder: 4, // z-index of guidelines
    guidelinesTolerance: 2.00, // Tolerance distance for rendered positions of nodes' interaction.
    guidelinesStyle: { // Set ctx properties of line. Properties are here:
        strokeStyle: "#8b7d6b", // color of geometric guidelines
        geometricGuidelineRange: 400, // range of geometric guidelines
        range: 100, // max range of distribution guidelines
        minDistRange: 10, // min range for distribution guidelines
        distGuidelineOffset: 10, // shift amount of distribution guidelines
        horizontalDistColor: "#ff0000", // color of horizontal distribution alignment
        verticalDistColor: "#00ff00", // color of vertical distribution alignment
        initPosAlignmentColor: "#0000ff", // color of alignment to initial mouse location
        lineDash: [0, 0], // line style of geometric guidelines
        horizontalDistLine: [0, 0], // line style of horizontal distribution guidelines
        verticalDistLine: [0, 0], // line style of vertical distribution guidelines
        initPosAlignmentLine: [0, 0], // line style of alignment to initial mouse position

    // Parent Padding
    parentSpacing: -1 // -1 to set paddings of parents to gridSpacing


Usage instructions

Download the library:

require() the library as appropriate for your project:


var cytoscape = require('cytoscape');
var gridGuide = require('cytoscape-grid-guide');

gridGuide( cytoscape ); // register extension


require(['cytoscape', 'cytoscape-grid-guide'], function( cytoscape, gridGuide ){
    gridGuide( cytoscape ); // register extension

Plain HTML/JS has the extension registered for you automatically, because no require() is needed.

Publishing instructions

This project is set up to automatically be published to npm and bower. To publish:

  1. Set the version number environment variable: export VERSION=1.2.3
  2. Publish: gulp publish
  3. If publishing to bower for the first time, you'll need to run bower register cytoscape-grid-guide https://github.com/iVis-at-Bilkent/cytoscape.js-grid-guide.git
