


PeachFarmer facilitates fuzz testing in the cloud. PeachFarmer is designed to be used in conjunction with the Peach fuzzing framework. Peach allows the user to split up a fuzzing job among many machines, but does not offer a built-in way to gather the logs and crash dumps from all these separate machines. PeachFarmer offers a way for users to collect all of their fuzzing results both quickly and easily.


See Usage Instructions


Requires the .NET Framework v. 4.5

Build Instructions

Builds with Visual Studio 2012 / VS Express for Desktop 2012.


iSEC has written this tool and provides it to the community free of charge. While iSEC has designed the tool with security in mind and has performed internal security review of the tool, it has not gone through the same level of rigorous independent review as a commercial software product. The software is being provided "as is" without warranty or support. iSEC does not assume liability for any damage caused by use of this tool.