

Awesome GINS Dataset

An awesome vehicle GINS dataset for GNSS/INS integration applications

<img src="./GNSS RTK/Map.jpg" style="zoom:50%" />

This repository provide an awesome GINS dataset for GNSS/INS integration applications. The biggest feature of the dataset is that four different grade of MEMS IMUs are included, which provide an opportunity for the researchers to comprehensively evaluate their algorithms.

The dataset was collected in an open-sky industrial area, where the GNSS RTK was well satisfied. The duration of the whole dataset is 1617 seconds, including the raw IMU data, GNSS RTK positioning results, and the ground-truth for each IMU.

Authors: Hailiang Tang, Xiaoji Niu, and Tisheng Zhang from the Integrated and Intelligent Navigation (i2Nav) Group, Wuhan University.

Related Paper:

If you use this dataset for your academic research, please cite our related papers; and give acknowledgement like:

English version: “The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Xiaoji Niu and the Integrated and Intelligent Navigation (i2Nav) group from Wuhan University for providing the GNSS/INS dataset that was used in the paper.”

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Four MEMS IMUs are included in this dataset, and the details about these IMUs are listed as follows:

IMUDescriptionVendorGyroscope Bias Instability (Allan Variance) [$\deg/hr$]
ICM20602consumer-grade chipInvenSense10.0
ADIS16460industrial-grade moduleAnalog Devices Inc.8.0
ADIS16465industrial-grade moduleAnalog Devices Inc.2.0
HGuide-i300industrial-grade moduleHoneywell3.0

We also provide a set of noise parameters for each IMU, which are obtained by conducting parameter tuning. Specifically, the IMU measurements are defined as follows: $$ \boldsymbol{\tilde{f}}^{\mathrm{b}}=\boldsymbol{f}^{\mathrm{b}}+\boldsymbol{b}a+\boldsymbol{n}a, \ \boldsymbol{\tilde{w}}{\mathrm{ib}}^{\mathrm{b}}=\boldsymbol{w}{\mathrm{ib}}^{\mathrm{b}}+\boldsymbol{b}_g+\boldsymbol{n}_g $$ where the additive noise $\boldsymbol{n}_a$ and $\boldsymbol{n}_g$ are modeled as Gaussian white noise processes; $\boldsymbol{b}_a$ and $\boldsymbol{b}g$ are respectively the accelerometer and gyroscope biases, which are modeled as first-order Gaussian Markov processes. The IMU noise model can be expressed as follows: $$ \boldsymbol{n}g\sim \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{0},\sigma {g}^{2}\boldsymbol{I} \right) , \ \boldsymbol{n}a\sim \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{0},\sigma {a}^{2}\boldsymbol{I} \right) , \ \delta \boldsymbol{\dot{b}}{g_t}=-\frac{1}{\tau {b_g}}\delta \boldsymbol{b}{g_t}+\boldsymbol{n}{b_g}, \boldsymbol{n}{b_g}\sim \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{0},\sigma {b_g}^{2}\boldsymbol{I} \right) , \ \delta \boldsymbol{\dot{b}}{a_t}=-\frac{1}{\tau {b_a}}\delta \boldsymbol{b}{a_t}+\boldsymbol{n}{b_a}, \boldsymbol{n}{b_a}\sim \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{0},\sigma _{b_a}^{2}\boldsymbol{I} \right) $$

The reference noise parameters are listed as follows:

IMUAngle Random Walk<br /> $\sigma_g$ [$deg/\sqrt{hr}$]Velocity Random Walk<br />$\sigma_a$ [$m/s/\sqrt{hr}$]Gyroscope-bias Standard Deviation<br />$\sigma_{b_g}$ [$deg/hr$]Accelerometer-bias Standard Deviation<br />$\sigma_{b_a}$ [$mGal$]Correlation Time<br />$\sigma_g, \sigma_a$ [$hr$]

2 Installation parameters

The IMU body frame (b-frame) is defined as forward-right-down (FRD) coordinate. The GNSS geodetic positioning is defined in WGS-84 ellipsoid model. The GNSS antenna lever-arms in b-frame are listed as follows:

IMULever-arms (FRD) [$m$]
ICM20602-0.073, 0.302, 0.087
ADIS164600.045, 0.46, -0.238
ADIS16465-0.073, 0.302, 0.087
HGuide-i300-0.075, 0.46, -0.218

3 File format descriptions

Three type of files are contained in the dataset, including the IMU file, the GNSS positioning file, and the ground-truth file.

The IMU text file format (*.txt) is defined as:

1GNSS seconds of week$s$
2incremental angle x axis$rad$
3incremental angle y axis$rad$
4incremental angle z axis$rad$
5incremental velocity x axis$m/s$
6incremental velocity y axis$m/s$
7incremental velocity z axis$m/s$

The GNSS positioning result text file (*.pos, 7 columns) is defined as:

1GNSS seconds of week$s$
2geodetic latitude$deg$
3geodetic longitude$deg$
4geodetic height$m$
5latitude standard deviation$m$
6longitude standard deviation$m$
7height standard deviation$m$

The ground-truth text file (*.nav) is defined as:

1GNSS week-
2GNSS seconds of week$s$
3geodetic latitude$deg$
4geodetic longitude$deg$
5geodetic height$m$
6velocity in north direction$m/s$
7velocity in east direction$m/s$
8velocity in down direction$m/s$
9roll attitude$deg$
10pitch attitude$deg$
11yaw attitude$deg$