I-Nex: System and Hardware information tool
<p align="left"> <img src="" alt="logo"/> <img src="" alt="logo"/> </p>I-Nex is an application that gathers information for hardware components available on your system and displays it using an user interface similar to the popular Windows tool CPU-Z.
I-Nex can display information for the following components: CPU, GPU, Motherboard, Sound, Hard disks, RAM, Network and USB as well as some system info like the hostname, Linux distribution and version, Xorg, GCC, GLX versions and Linux Kernel info.
Besides being able to display hardware information, I-Nex can also generate an advanced report for which you can select what to include and optionally send the report to a service such as Pastebin (and others). It also features an option to take a screenshot of the I-Nex window directly from the application.
The difference between I-Nex and the other hardware information GUI tools available for Linux is that the information is better organized and is displayed faster (than lshw-gtk for instance). Also, the hardware information is presented in a way that’s easier to understand than other such tools.
Tested on
- Ubuntu/Mint
- Debian Bug lp:1258468
- openSUSE Question:243542
- Fedora/CentOS/RHEL
- Arch Linux
- Manjaro Linux
- Gambas3
- gambas3-runtime (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-image (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-qt5 (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-form (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-desktop (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-desktop-x11 (>= 3.8.4)
- gambas3-gb-form-stock (>= 3.8.4)
- libc6
- pastebinit
- libcpuid
Build in Ubuntu
Adding required repositories:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3 && \
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:i-nex-development-team/stable && \
sudo apt-get update
Optional - add the development build repository (latest build, may be unstable):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:i-nex-development-team/daily && \
sudo apt-get update
Installing dependencies:
sudo apt-get install \
debhelper devscripts pkg-config dpkg-dev \
lsb-release gambas3-dev gambas3-gb-image gambas3-gb-qt5 gambas3-gb-form gambas3-gb-desktop \
gambas3-gb-form-stock git
Install from repository:
sudo apt-get install i-nex
Downloading sources
git clone
Build DEB package from sources:
cd ./I-Nex && \
fakeroot debian/rules build && \
fakeroot debian/rules binary && \
cd .. && \
sudo dpkg -i ./i-nex*.deb
Install Fedora Build
Adding required repositories:
yum install dnf dnf-plugins-core fedora-repos-rawhide
dnf copr enable brollylssj/libcpuid
dnf copr enable brollylssj/I-Nex
Installing dependencies:
yum install --enablerepo rawhide gambas3-runtime gambas3-gb-desktop gambas3-gb-form gambas3-gb-form-dialog \
gambas3-gb-form-stock gambas3-gb-gtk gambas3-gb-gui gambas3-gb-image gambas3-gb-qt5* gambas3-gb-settings
yum install fdupes
Install RPM from repository:
dnf install i-nex i-nex-data
Build in CentOS/RHEL
Adding required repositories:
To satisfy build dependencies, please add the Fedora EPEL and NUX Dextop repositories.
Installing dependencies:
yum install fdupes glx-utils i2c-tools procps-ng
yum install imagemagick autoconf automake hicolor-icon-theme net-tools pkgconfig libcpuid-devel \
procps-ng-devel freeglut pciutils \
xz rpm-build redhat-rpm-config make gcc
Setup RPM Build Environment per CentOS/RHEL instructions here
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
echo "%_topdir /home/testuser/rpmbuild" >> ~/.rpmmacros
Rebuild Fedora Rawhide RPM dependencies for CentOS/RHEL:
where VERSION = currently available Rawhide RPM
rpmbuild --rebuild gambas3-<VERSION>.src.rpm
download RPM from Rawhide repository
rpmbuild --rebuild libcpuid-<VERSION>.src.rpm
download RPM from Rawhide repository
cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
yum --nogpgcheck localinstall gambas3-runtime gambas3-gb-desktop gambas3-gb-form gambas3-gb-form-dialog \
gambas3-gb-form-stock gambas3-gb-gtk gambas3-gb-gui gambas3-gb-image gambas3-gb-qt5* gambas3-gb-settings \
libcpuid* libcpuid*-devel
NOTE: Additional packages may need to be (re)built from Rawhide, as Gambas build prerequisites:
yum --nogpgcheck localinstall allegro* alure* dumb* fluidsynth* lash* SDL2_image* SDL2_mixer* SDL2_ttf*
Building RPM from latest commit sources:
where GITTAG = Short git commit tag, GITLONG = Long git commit tag, TEMPSRCDIR = Temporary folder for uncompressed source
wget -O ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/I-Nex-<GITLONG>.zip<GITTAG>.zip
unzip ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/I-Nex-<GITLONG>.zip -d <TEMPSRCDIR>
cp <TEMPSRCDIR>/dists/redhat/i-nex.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
[NOTE: Edit %define _gittag_, _gitlong_, and _gitdate_ at the top of ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/i-nex.spec]
rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/i-nex.spec
Build lastest git snapshot I-Nex release in Arch Linux
yaourt -S i-nex-git --needed --noconfirm
Install lastest backported I-Nex release in Manjaro Linux
sudo pacman -S i-nex
Main guide build app from sources
NOTE: Don't report issues about manual build I-Nex app from sources based on this guide. First of all be sure you have installed all dependencies. Changes specify in pastebinit and via sed command are needed for Arch Linux here. In Your distro these values can be different. |
Downloading sources
git clone
Build and install app from sources
cd I-Nex
sed -i 's|python3$|python2|' pastebinit
sed -i -e 's|^STATIC.*|STATIC = false|'
sed -i -e 's|^UDEV_RULES_DIR.*|UDEV_RULES_DIR = /usr/lib/udev/rules.d|'
cd I-Nex
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr
cd ..
sudo make install