

Flamingo Commerce

Go Report Card Tests Release

With "Flamingo Commerce" you get your toolkit for building fast and flexible commerce experience applications.

A demoshop using the standalone adapters is online here https://demoshop.flamingo.me - you can also try the GraphQL support

What problems does Flamingo Commerce solve?

What are the main design goals of Flamingo Commerce?

Whats does Flamingo Commerce provide?

Flamingo Commerce is build on top of the Flamingo Framework so it makes sense that you read through the Flamingo docs also

Read more under docs.flamingo.me

Commerce Modules:

Flamingo Commerce Release Status

Flamingo Commerce API is Beta because we will still change the API (models and methods). You are encourages to use it but if you update you might need to adjust your code to the latest changes.


We recommend to use Go modules, so you just need to add Flamingo Commerce to your main go file as import:

e.g. to use the product module add

import (

And then load the module in your application bootstrap:

// main is our entry point
func main() {

		//flamingo-commerce modules
	}, nil)

To update the dependency in go.mod run

go get flamingo.me/flamingo-commerce/v3


There is a demo: https://demoshop.flamingo.me

And the code is also published: https://github.com/i-love-flamingo/commerce-demo-carotene