

Django Daisy

Test Status

Live Demo https://hypy13-django-daisy.hf.space/en/admin/
Username: demo
Password: demo

for RTL mode: https://hypy13-django-daisy.hf.space/fa/admin/


Django Daisy is a modern, sleek, and highly responsive admin dashboard built with DaisyUI and TailwindCSS. It brings a polished and user-friendly interface that scales beautifully across devices, from mobile to desktop, making your admin experience fast and efficient.



✨ Key Features

⚙️ Compatibility

🚧 Upcoming Features

Stay tuned! Continuous improvements and new features are regularly added to enhance your experience.

📦 Installation

Option 1: Install via PyPi

pip install django-daisy

Option 2: Install as an editable GitHub source

pip install -e git+https://github.com/hypy13/django-daisy.git#egg=django-daisy

After installation, add django_daisy to your INSTALLED_APPS in the Django settings file.


Once you've made these changes, enjoy the fresh new theme!

Project Customizations

1. App Configuration in apps.py

You can configure app-specific settings in the apps.py file for each application within your Django project. Below is an example of how to customize the Polls app:

class PollsConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'polls'  # The name of the app
    icon = 'fa fa-square-poll-vertical'  # FontAwesome icon for the app (optional)
    divider_title = "Apps"  # Title of the section divider in the sidebar (optional)
    priority = 0  # Determines the order of the app in the sidebar (higher values appear first, optional)
    hide = False  # Set to True to hide the app from the sidebar menu (optional)


2. Global Customizations in settings.py

You can define various project-wide settings for customizing the Django admin interface in your settings.py file using the DAISY_SETTINGS dictionary. Below is an example configuration:

    'SITE_TITLE': 'Django Admin',  # The title of the site 
    'SITE_HEADER': 'Administration',  # Header text displayed in the admin panel
    'INDEX_TITLE': 'Hi, welcome to your dashboard',  # The title for the index page of dashboard
    'SITE_LOGO': '/static/admin/img/daisyui-logomark.svg',  # Path to the logo image displayed in the sidebar
    'EXTRA_STYLES': [],  # List of extra stylesheets to be loaded in base.html (optional)
    'EXTRA_SCRIPTS': [],  # List of extra script URLs to be loaded in base.html (optional)
    'LOAD_FULL_STYLES': False,  # If True, loads full DaisyUI components in the admin (useful if you have custom template overrides)
    'SHOW_CHANGELIST_FILTER': False,  # If True, the filter sidebar will open by default on changelist views
        # Custom configurations for third-party apps that can't be modified directly in their `apps.py`
        'auth': {
            'icon': 'fa-solid fa-person-military-pointing',  # FontAwesome icon for the 'auth' app
            'name': 'Authentication',  # Custom name for the 'auth' app
            'hide': False,  # Whether to hide the 'auth' app from the sidebar (set to True to hide)
            'app': 'users',  # The actual app to display in the sidebar (e.g., rename 'auth' to 'users')
            'divider_title': "Auth",  # Divider title for the 'auth' section
        'social_django': {
            'icon': 'fa-solid fa-users-gear',  # Custom FontAwesome icon for the 'social_django' app


🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions from the community! Feel free to submit any issues, suggestions, or pull requests to help improve Django Daisy.

📸 Screenshots

Listing View:

Listing View

Change Form:

Listing View

Mobile Responsive:

Listing View

Dark Theme:

Listing View


Special thanks to Cloud With Django for featuring my theme in their video. Your support means a lot! <br> Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEKTXu1la9M