

Hypr Development Contrib

Community scripts and utilities for Hypr projects


grimblastA Hyprland version of Grimshot@fufexan, @Misterio77
shelleventsInvoke shell functions in response to Hyprland socket2 events@trippwill
try_swap_workspaceBinding to mimic the 'arbitrary workspace on arbitrary monitor' behavior@schievel1
scratchpadA Bash script that instantly sends focused window to a special workspace named scratchpad and makes it easier to retrieve the window back to the current workspace@niksingh710
hdropRun, show and hide programs via keybind. Emulates tdrop in Hyprland@Schweber



Clone the repo, cd to your desired tool, run make to build. To install, run make install. You may need root privileges.


In your configuration flake, add

  inputs.hyprland-contrib = {
    url = "github:hyprwm/contrib";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  # ...

To make inputs available in your configurations, add this

# for Home Manager
homeConfigurations.YOURCONFIG = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
  pkgs = ...;
  modules = ...;

  extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs;};

# for NixOS
nixosConfigurations.YOURHOSTNAME = inputs.nixpkgs.nixosSystem {
  system = "...";
  modules = ...;

  specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};

For the final step, add packages to your environment.systemPackages or home.packages in this format:

{pkgs, inputs, ...}: {
  environment.systemPackages = [ # or home.packages
    inputs.hyprland-contrib.packages.${pkgs.system}.grimblast # or any other package


Contributions are welcome! Please open a PR with your utility and describe how it helps the Hypr ecosystem. Also provide a screen recording if possible, demonstrating its usage. While developing bash scripts, it is recommended to use shellcheck for idiomatic ways to write them. If your utility is written in bash, please add it to the checks matrix.