

Awesome Basalt

All links are packages for Basalt, a Bash package manager.

This list contains projects written with a shell language that are either (1) Bash or POSIX Shell applications that are globally installable or (2) Bash libraries that are locally (per-project) installable.

Keep in mind that everything listed should be considered at least bleeding edge. Notwithstanding the label, many could be considered "stable" to comprehensive test suites and minimalist functionality. I'll also add that I'm dogfooding everything listed here, and most things just work on my machine.

There is also a best practices file, which contains some reminders for how to write defensive Bash (which is a must when writing Basalt packages).

General use




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Similar Package Managers

Basalt works with existing "packages", as defined by both Basher and pkg. Browse their lists as well: