

Hyperledger Iroha

License Rust

Iroha is a simple and efficient blockchain ledger based on the distributed ledger technology (DLT). Its design principles are inspired by the Japanese Kaizen principle of eliminating excesses (muri).

Iroha can help you manage your accounts, assets, on-chain data storage with efficient smart contracts, while being Byzantine- and crash-fault tolerant.


Iroha is a fully-featured blockchain ledger. With Iroha you can:

Iroha offers:


Engage with the community:

System Requirements

RAM and storage requirements depend on your use case: whether you need to build or deploy a network, how big it is, and so on. This table summarises the requirements:

Use caseCPURAMStorage1
Build (minimum)Dual-core CPU4GB20GB
Build (recommend)AMD Ryzen™ 5 160016GB40GB
Deploy (small)Dual-core CPU8GB+20GB+
Deploy (large)AMD Epyc™ 64-core128GB128GB+

Regarding RAM requirements:

CPU considerations:

Build, Test, and Run Iroha


<details> <summary> (Optional) Run included tests</summary>

Run included code tests:

cargo test

Run API functional tests:

cargo build
chmod +x target/debug/irohad
chmod +x target/debug/iroha

bash ./scripts/test_env.sh setup
bash ./scripts/tests/register_mint_quantity.sh
bash ./scripts/test_env.sh cleanup

To generate WASM files for smart contracts, use the provided script generate_wasm.sh. If you are in the root directory of Iroha run the following command:

bash ./scripts/generate_wasm.sh [path/to/smartcontracts]

The generated WASM files will be saved in a generated directory test-smartcontracts, relative to your current working directory. The default path for smart contracts in this project is wasm_samples.


Build Iroha

Run Iroha

Once you have built Iroha, you can instantiate the minimum viable network:

docker compose up

With the docker-compose instance running, use Iroha Client CLI:

cargo run --bin iroha -- --config ./defaults/client.toml


Iroha project mainly consists of the following crates:


A brief overview on how to configure and maintain an Iroha instance:


There is a set of configuration parameters that could be passed either through a configuration file or environment variables.

irohad --config /path/to/config.toml

Note: detailed configuration reference is work in progress.


For a list of all endpoints, available operations, and ways to customize them with parameters, see API Reference > Torii Endpoints


By default, Iroha provides logs in a human-readable format and prints them out to stdout.

The logging level can be changed either via the logger.level configuration parameter or at run-time using the configuration endpoint.

<details><summary>Example: changing log level</summary>

For example, if your Iroha instance is running at and you want to change the log level to DEBUG using curl, you should send a POST request with a JSON containing the new log level. Like this:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \ \
    -d '{"logger": {"level": "DEBUG"}}' -i

The log format might be configured via the logger.format configuration parameter. Possible values are: full (default), compact, pretty, and json.

Output goes to /dev/stdout. Piping to files or log rotation is the responsibility of the peer administrator.


The details of the Health endpoint can be found in the API Reference > Torii Endpoints.

Iroha can produce both JSON-formatted as well as prometheus-readable metrics at the status and metrics endpoints respectively.

The prometheus monitoring system is the de-factor standard for monitoring long-running services such as an Iroha peer. In order to get started, install prometheus and use the configuration template.


Iroha stores blocks and snapshots in the storage directory, which is created automatically by Iroha in the working directory of the peer. If kura.block_store_path is specified in the config file, it overrides the default one and is resolved relative to the config file location.

Note: detailed configuration reference is work in progress.


Multiple instances of Iroha peer and client binaries can be run on the same physical machine and in the same working directory. However, we recommend to give each instance a clean new working directory.

The provided docker-compose file showcases a minimum viable network and the general methods of using the hyperledger/iroha2:dev docker image for deploying a network of peers.

Further Reading

We encourage you to check out our Iroha 2 Tutorial first. It is suitable for both experienced developers and prospective users of Iroha 2, and it provides language-specific guides for Bash, Python, Rust, Kotlin/Java, and Javascript/TypeScript.

<!-- * [Configuration Reference](./docs/source/references/config.md) -->

Iroha SDKs:

How to Contribute

We welcome community contributions! Report bugs and suggest improvements via GitHub issues and pull requests.

Check out our contributing guide to learn more.

Get Help

Check out the channels you could use to get help or engage with the community.


Iroha codebase is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Iroha documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


  1. Note that all operations are done in RAM, so in theory Iroha can work without persistent storage. However, since synchronising blocks over the network after a power failure may take a long time, we recommend adding a hard drive.