

CLI for Indy Ledger

This is command line interface for Indy, which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity.

It provides the commands to:

Table of contents


  1. Go to the Github Releases page.
  2. Download archive with the last version of CLI depending on your system platform.
  3. Unzip archive to the directory where you want to save CLI.
  4. After unzip you will be able to execute binary file.

Execution modes

CLI supports 2 execution modes:

Getting help


Compatibility with old Indy-CLI.

Migration of a wallet created by old Indy-CLI

  1. Run old CLI and create wallet backup
indy-cli> wallet open wallet_to_export key
indy-cli> wallet export export_path=/Users/home/backup export_key
indy-cli> wallet close
  1. Run new CLI and import wallet
indy-cli-rs> wallet import wallet_imported key export_path=/Users/home/backup export_key


CLI depends on term rust library that has a system dependency on terminfo database. That is why CLI Debian package additionally installs libncursesw5-dev library. More about it read here at Packaging and Distributing section.