


CI build License Join the chat at https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries

The repository contains Rust crates to build

Aries implementation

Did document implementation

Did methods implementation


Do you have a question ❓Are you considering using our components? πŸš€ We'll be excited to hear from you. πŸ‘‹

There's 2 best way to reach us:

Versioning & releases


Contributions are very welcome! If you have questions or issues, please let us know on Discord or at our bi-weekly community call.


Install Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

We recommend using rustup, as VCX is currently tied to Rust v1.79.x (this maintains consistency between local and CI environments).

Anoncreds and Indy require the use of openssl and zmq. These may be vendored by consuming applications, but for development installation is required.

[!NOTE] For those familiar with the Indy SDK dependencies (which is no longer in use as it has been replaced by anoncreds-rs, indy-vdr, and aries-askar) note that:

Linux / MacOS:


If you get a VCX development environment running in Windows, we'd love a contribution documenting that process here!

Formatting / Linting

For contributions, please run clippy and format prior to creating a PR. This can be done via just:

cargo install just
just clippy
just fmt

Signed Commits

We enforce developer certificate of origin (DCO) commit signing β€” guidance on this is available.

See this guide for signing previously unsigned commits.