

Hyperledger Aries

Hyperledger Aries allows trusted online peer-to-peer interactions based on decentralized identities and verifiable credentials. Aries includes a protocol definition, tools, and reference implementations. The Aries protocol supports identities rooted in a variety of distributed ledgers or blockchains. This approach to identity is often called Self Soverign Identity (SSI).

Key components of an Aries solution are:

Getting Started

Aries is a young project that is maturing quickly. As such, be warned that the project documentation and links may get out of out-of-date. If you find there is something missing, please connect with the community on the Aries Hyperledger Discord Channel. And of course, pull requests are always welcome to fix things that are confusing!

If you are entirely new to the decentralized identity space and the Hyperledger projects there is a Linux Foundation edX course on decentralized identity and Hyperledger Indy, Aries and Ursa. Start there! A companion developers edX course is planned for "early" 2020.

If you know about decentralized identity and verifiable credentials and want to get started building applications on top of Aries (and Indy), the most consistently maintained guide for new developers is the one included in the Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACApy):


The Aries project contains a number of repos, which can be grouped into some important categories.

Aries Agent Frameworks

Developers who want to solve business problems (vs. contributing directly to Aries) should start with an Aries agent framework. Agent-based applications are created by adding application-specific code that control the Aries agent.

There are several Aries general purpose agent frameworks that are ready to go out of the box.

There are several other frameworks that are currently under active development, including:

Development Tools and Test Suites

The Aries project provides some useful tools for developing agents and testing that they are compatible with other agents in the ecosystem.

Shared Libraries

Coming Soon There are also a set of shared open source libraries that provide C-callable APIs that can be used by agents and frameworks to support the Aries protocols.

While these are in development, the ACA-Py and .NET frameworks embed the Indy-SDK, while the Go framework is building the capabilities in golang.


If you want to understand the theory and the open standards that these agents and frameworks implement, then you should refer to the Aries protocol documents:

Project Participation

You can raise issues using the GitHub issue tracker in each Aries repository. Pull requests are appreciated; please review CONTRIBUTING.md for the repository to which you want to contribute.

You can reach other Aries developers:

Relationship to Hyperledger Indy

Aries grew out of the work in Hyperledger Indy to create technologies for managing decentralized identity. Indy provides a specific blockchain purpose-built for identity. The tools created in Indy for building agents are being migrated to Aries, and extended to be blockchain-agnostic. Functionality related to the Indy ledger will remain in Indy.

If you want to start build decentralized identity capabilities around Indy, you should use the existing Aries Agent frameworks described above that embed the Indy SDK. If you are already using the Indy SDK to build a decentralized identity solution, you can keep using it knowing that it will continue to be maintained. If and when the Indy SDK is fully or partially deprecated, a transition process will be communicated.