

RCF – REPL-first async test macro for Clojure/Script

RCF turns your Rich Comment Forms into tests (in the same file as your functions). Send form or file to REPL to run tests and it squirts dopamine ✅✅✅. It's good, try it!


RCF is specifically engineered to support Electric Clojure, which we test, document and teach with RCF.

Hype quotes:


Project maturity: CLJ is stable, CLJS is experimental, bb is experimental.

{:deps {com.hyperfiddle/rcf {:mvn/version "20220926-202227"}}}


Current dev priority is improving complex async tests in ClojureScript.

JVM NodeJS Browser


(tests) blocks erase by default (macroexpanding to nothing), which avoids a startup time performance penalty as well as keeps tests out of prod.

It's an easy one-liner to turn on tests in your dev entrypoint:

(ns user ; user ns is loaded by REPL startup
  (:require [hyperfiddle.rcf]))


Tests are run when you send a file or form to your Clojure/Script REPL.

(ns example
  (:require [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests tap %]]))

  (inc 1) := 2

  {:a :b, :b [2 :b]} := {:a _, _ [2 _]}

  {:a :b, :b [2 :b]} := {:a ?b, ?b [2 ?b]}

  "unification on reference types"
  (def x (atom nil))
  {:a x, :b x} := {:a ?x, :b ?x}
  "multiple tests on one value"
  (def xs [:a :b :c])
  (count xs) := 3
  (last xs) := :c
  (let [xs (map identity xs)]
    (last xs) := :c
    (let [] (last xs) := :c))

  (assert false "boom") :throws java.lang.AssertionError

    "nested tests (is there a strong use case?)"
    1 := 1)

    "REPL bindings work"
    (keyword "a") := :a
    (keyword "b") := :b
    (keyword "c") := :c
    *1 := :c
    *2 := :b
    *3 := :a
    *1 := :c                   ; inspecting history does not affect history

    (keyword "d") := :d
    *1 := :d
    *2 := :c
    *3 := :b
    (symbol *2) := 'c          ; this does affect history
    (symbol *2) := 'd))
Loading src/example.cljc...

Async tests

(ns example
  (:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan >! go go-loop <! timeout close!]]
            [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf :refer [tests tap % with]]
            [missionary.core :as m]))

(rcf/set-timeout! 100)

  "async tests"
  #?(:clj  (tests
               (tap 1) (Thread/sleep 10)        ; tap value to queue
               (tap 2) (Thread/sleep 200)
               (tap 3))
             % := 1                               ; pop queue
             % := 2
             % := ::rcf/timeout)
     :cljs (tests
             (defn setTimeout [f ms] (js/setTimeout ms f))
             (tap 1) (setTimeout 10 (fn []
             (tap 2) (setTimeout 200 (fn []
             (tap 3)))))
             % := 1
             % := 2
             % := ::rcf/timeout)))

  (def !x (atom 0))
  (def dispose
      (let [x (e/watch !x)
            a (inc x)
            b (inc x)]
        (tap (+ a b)))))
  % := 2
  (swap! !x inc)
  % := 4
  (swap! !x inc)
  % := 6

  (def c (chan))
  (go-loop [x (<! c)]
    (when x
      (<! (timeout 10))
      (tap x)
      (recur (<! c))))
  (go (>! c :hello) (>! c :world))
  % := :hello
  % := :world
  (close! c))

  (def !x (atom 0))
  (def dispose ((m/reactor (m/stream! (m/ap (! (inc (m/?< (m/watch !x)))))))
                (fn [_] #_(prn ::done)) #(prn ::crash %)))
  % := 1
  (swap! !x inc)
  (swap! !x inc)
  % := 2
  % := 3


To run in CI, configure a JVM flag for RCF to generate clojure.test deftests, and then run them with clojure.test. Github actions example.

; deps.edn
{:aliases {:test {:jvm-opts ["-Dhyperfiddle.rcf.generate-tests=true"]}}}
% clj -M:test -e "(require 'example)(clojure.test/run-tests 'example)"

Testing example
Ran 1 tests containing 8 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:test 1, :pass 8, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}

ClojureScript configuration

For CLJS tests to run, rcf/enable! must be true in both CLJ (shadow-cljs macroexpansion time) and CLJS (JS runtime). Reports may be printed to browser console instead of the REPL, because browser REPLs donn't intercept the async println.

(ns dev-entrypoint
  (:require [example] ; transitive inline tests will erase
            [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]]))

; wait to enable tests until after app namespaces are loaded

; subsequent REPL interactions will run tests

; prevent test execution during cljs hot code reload
#?(:cljs (defn ^:dev/before-load stop [] (hyperfiddle.rcf/enable! false)))
#?(:cljs (defn ^:dev/after-load start [] (hyperfiddle.rcf/enable!)))


One of my tests threw an exception, but the stack trace is empty? — you want {:jvm-opts ["-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow"]} explanation (this may be JVM specific)

I see no output — RCF is off by default, run (hyperfiddle.rcf/enable!)

Emacs has no output and tests are enabled — check if your emacs supports emojis

How do I customize what’s printed at the REPL? — see reporters.clj, reporters.cljs


#hyperfiddle @ clojurians.net

Scroll Of Truth meme saying "you do not really understand something until you can explain it as a passing test".