

HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static Site Generator

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Make static websites, blogs, and documentation pages with the tools you already know and love.

About HydePHP

HydePHP is a content-first Laravel-powered console application that allows you to create static HTML pages, blog posts, and documentation sites, using your choice of Markdown and/or Blade.

Build sites in record-time with a full batteries-included TailwindCSS frontend that just works without any fuzz.

Speed & simplicity first, full control when you need it.

Hyde is all about letting you get started quickly by giving you a full-featured frontend starter kit, while also giving you the power and freedom of doing things the way you want to.

Markdown purist? That's all you need. Blade artisan? Go for it. Hyde comes with hand-crafted frontend templates, so you can focus on your content. You don't need to customize anything. But you can customize everything.

See the documentation and learn more at https://hydephp.com/docs


Content Creation

Built-in Frontend

Easy Asset Managing


Getting Started - High-level overview

See Installation Guide and Getting Started for the full details.

It's a breeze to get started with Hyde. Create a new Hyde project using Composer:

composer create-project hyde/hyde

Next, place your Markdown files in one of the content directories: _posts, _docs, and _pages which also accepts Blade files. You can also use the hyde:make commands to scaffold them.

When you're ready, run the build command to compile your static site which will save your HTML files in the _site directory.

php hyde build



Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


HydePHP is an open-source project, contributions are very welcome!

Development is made in the HydePHP Monorepo, which you can find here https://github.com/hydephp/develop.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email caen@desilva.se instead of using the issue tracker, or use the GitHub Security Advisory page. All vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.