

VF_EasyAjax Module

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Allows frontend developers send ajax requests for every page and get Json response.
You don't need to work with app/code section of Manento and change any PHP code.
Make all what you need works via Ajax using only layout xmls, theme templates and javascript.

In the Json response frontend developers can receive:

See the example of using Easy Ajax extension: Ajax Cart extension with only one JS file and without any PHP code.

What's new?

How to install

You can either copy all files to magento root and install it using modman or composer

To install using composer make sure that you have firegento repository set

    "repositories": {
        "firegento": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "https://packages.firegento.com"

then add "hws47a/easy_ajax":"~1.1" package to the require part.

How to use:

For any page url add easy_ajax=1 and this page returns json instead of html.
It returns:

  1. messages: [{type: , code: }] if on this page some message is added to any session model.
  2. action_content_data: {} if you add to params action_content[] with block names
  3. custom_content_data: {} if you add to params custom_content[] with block names

Custom layout:

You can use additional layout handlers for easy ajax requests:


For add product to cart via Ajax use default add to cart url and add this params:

You will get json response with

So with response data you can simple update needed blocks:

Custom layout example

Add to layout handler <easy_ajax_default> some block with name "test_default"
Add to layout handler <easy_ajax_checkout_cart_add> some block with name "test"
Add to request 2 additional fields:

You will get response with additional field:

JS Wrapper for requests

1. Using EasyAjax.Request instead of Ajax.Request you don't need to specify easy_ajax=1 param and you can add action_content and custom_content params easy. To add action_content and/or custom_content params just add it to options list as arrays.


new EasyAjax.Request(href, {
     method: 'post',
     action_content: ['cart_sidebar', 'top.links'],
     parameters: params,
     onComplete: function (transport) {
        //some code...

2. Second useful method is EasyAjax.update. Use it if you want to easily load data and add it to some container.
action_content will be used to load data.

The code can look like this:

EasyAjax.update(location.href, {
    "top.links": ".top-links-container",

RESTful requests

Instead of using easy_ajax=1 in params you can use RESTful interface and .json to action name.
Example: instead of customer/account/loginPost?easy_ajax=1 you can use customer/account/loginPost.json

NOTE: This feature is disabled by default, to enable it just uncomment default/web/routers/json in config.xml

Unit Tests

Unit Tests writing is in progress.
To run PHP tests use EcomDev_PHPUnit module.
To run Js file test use CasperJs.