


Grouped-sliders based on ant-design

<b>antd-group-slider</b> provides a group of sliders that help to input multiple related range-data. It has data sync between sliders on every range change that which would help the user to avoid accidental missing range during actions.

Please first have a look at Ant Slider to have a general idea of the use case of this component.

Feel free to request a feature by opening an issue :)

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Live demo



Ant Design v4


npm install --save antd-group-slider


yarn add antd-group-slider


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import GroupSlider from 'antd-group-slider'
import 'antd-group-slider/dist/index.css'

class GroupSliderExample extends Component {
  render() {
    return <GroupSlider />


NameTypeMeaningPosible valuesDefault value
minnumberMin value of range selection. This value takes place if initial ranges have value less than min.Positive numbers0
maxnumberMax value of range selection. This value takes place if initial ranges have value higher than max.Positive numbers100
addButtonTextstringDisplay text of add range button'Add more range'
removeButtonTextstringDisplay text of remove range button'Remove last range'
onChangefunction(data)Callback when range or description changes <br /> Format of object of callback: <br />- <b>ranges</b>: array of pairs of values of each range <br />- <b>descriptions</b>: array of description, with order respectively to ranges <br/> - <b>isFullRange</b>: true if all the ranges from 0 to max is covered
descriptionConfigobjectObject containing configuration of description fields.<br /> Format of object:<br /> - <b>placeholder</b>: string - description's placeholder string (*)<br /> - <b>separator</b>: string - separator between of a range pair values in placeholder <br/> - <b>type</b>: string - Type of description. 'none' value will hide the description section <br/> - <b>leftText</b>: string - Text to be displayed before description input (*) <br/> - <b>rightText</b>: string - Text to be displayed after description input (*)<br/> - <b>leftAddonText</b>: string - Text to be displayed as addon before of description input (*)(**)<br/> - <b>rightAddonText</b>: string - Text to be displayed as addon after of description input (*)(**) <br/><br/> (*): If you want to put range values into the string, mark them as {{range}} inside your string <br/>(**): only applicable if <b>type='input'</b>. Refer to <a href="https://ant.design/components/slider/" target="_blank">Ant-design Input</a> to see addonBefore & addonAfter prop<b>type</b>: 'input', 'none', 'textarea'<b>placeholder</b>: 'Description for range {{range}}' <br /> <b>separator</b>: '-' (dash symbol) <br/><b>type</b>: 'textarea'
marksobjectValue indicator of sliders <br/> Refer to <a href="https://ant.design/components/slider/" target="_blank">Ant-design Input</a> to see the<b> marks </b>props3 marks: <br/> - 0 <br/> - floor(max/2)<br/> - max
initialValuesobjectInitial data of component<br /> Format of object: <br />- <b>ranges</b>: array of pairs of values of each range <br />- <b>descriptions</b>: array of description, with order respectively to ranges<b>ranges</b>: [[0, max]] <br/> <b>descriptions</b>: []
initialValuesConfigobjectFormat of object: <br/> - <b>fillGaps</b>: boolean - whether component should fill in the missing ranges of initial data<b>fillGaps</b>: true
showDividerbooleanShow <a href="https://ant.design/components/divider/" target="_blank">Divider</a> between each rangesfalse
lineExtrasarrayAdditional components to show under each slider line[]


MIT © huyennbl