Overview <img src="" width="122" height="20"/>
Texture Packer for Game Development Using MaxRects Algorithm.
<img src="" width="512" height="256"/>Note: The game assets used in this example were download from Grassland Tileset, thanks Clint Bellanger
for made so many awesome game resources.
Don't hesitate to make a pull request. All kinds of contribution are welcome.
Note: Please follow the coding style of the existed codes.
$ cd ./src
$ make
$ cd .\src
$ nmake -f Makefile.mak
usage: squeezerw [options] <sprite image dir>
--width <output width>
--height <output height>
--allowRotations <1/0/true/false/yes/no>
--border <1/0/true/false/yes/no>
--outputTexture <output texture filename>
--outputInfo <output sprite info filename>
--infoHeader <output header template>
--infoBody <output body template>
--infoSplit <output body split template>
--infoFooter <output footer template>
format specifiers of infoHeader/infoBody/infoFooter:
%W: output width
%H: output height
%n: image name
%w: image width
%h: image height
%x: left on output image
%y: top on output image
%l: trim offset left
%t: trim offset top
%c: original width
%r: original height
%f: 1 if rotated else 0
and '\n', '\r', '\t'
$ cd ./src
$ make
$ ./squeezerw ../example/images --verbose --width 512 --height 256 --border 1 --outputTexture ../example/squeezer.png --outputInfo ../example/squeezer.xml
$ ./squeezerw ../example/images --verbose --width 512 --height 256 --border 1 --outputTexture ../example/squeezer.png --outputInfo ../example/squeezer.json --infoHeader "{\"textureWidth\":\"%W\", \"textureHeight\":\"%H\", \"items\":[\n" --infoFooter "]}" --infoBody "{\"name\":\"%n\", \"width\":\"%w\", \"height\":\"%h\", \"left\":\"%x\", \"top\":\"%y\", \"rotated\":\"%f\", \"trimOffsetLeft\":\"%l\", \"trimOffsetTop\":\"%t\", \"originWidth\":\"%c\", \"originHeight\":\"%r\"}" --infoSplit "\n,"
Licensed under the MIT license except lodepng.c and lodepng.h.
Note: lodepng used in this project to decode and encode png format. For the license used in lodepng please visit lodepng directly.