

Tailwind Dark Mode Theme Switcher

Basic demo on how to switch styles with Tailwind, handy for dark mode type purposes.

Live preview: https://tailwind-theme-switcher.netlify.app/

This is a mashup of Adam Wathan's Theming Tailwind Demo, Hella Simple Eleventy + Tailwind CSS Starter, and Katie Ball's Quick switch Themes with javascript.

To get started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/huphtur/tailwind-theme-switcher
    cd tailwind-theme-switcher
  2. Install the dependencies:

    # Using npm
    npm install
    # Using Yarn
  3. Start the development server:

    # Using npm
    npm run serve
    # Using Yarn
    yarn serve

    Now you should be able to see the project running at localhost:8080

Building for production

To build an optimized version of your CSS, simply run:

# Using npm
npm run build

# Using Yarn
yarn build

After that's done, check out ./_site/styles.css to see the optimized output.