

Console Component

Console eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.

It is a port from Symfony's Console component.

The Console object manages the command-line application:

import hunt.console;

console = new Console(); console.run(new ArgsInput(args));

The run() method parses the arguments and options passed on the command line and executes the right command.

Registering a new command can easily be done via the register() method, which returns a Command instance:

void main(string[] args)
    Console app = new Console("Hunt Console", "1.0.0");
    app.add(new GreetingCommand());

    app.add((new Command("test")).setExecutor(new class CommandExecutor {
        override public int execute(Input input, Output output)
            output.writeln("hello world");
            return 0;

You can also register new commands via classes.

The component provides a lot of features like output coloring, input and output abstractions (so that you can easily unit-test your commands), validation, automatic help messages, ...