


Paradise plays like an interactive fiction novel, in an ever-changing world where you are not an avatar but a force acting upon words - moving around and into your other selves, threading through chaos.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” — Jorge Luis Borges


You can use paradise directly in your browser.


Move to either /desktop, or /cli and run:

npm install
npm start


There are 16 base actions, you can queue multiple actions using the & character, for example create a teapot & enter the teapot. To see the action documention from within Paradise, use learn to create.


Paradise has a small lisp dialect that allows for basic scripting, you can find the list of functions here. If you would like to display the name of acting vessel for example.

note you are the (host) in the (host:parent). # you are the ghost in the house.

You can access class methods like this:

note you carry (len (host:inventory)) items.

You can also do basic math like:

note (mul 4 (add 2 1))
