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Survey: Image Mixing and Deleting for Data Augmentation

This repo supplements our paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07085

Humza Naveed, Saeed Anwar, Munawar Hayat, Kashif Javed, Ajmal Mian

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Neural networks are prone to overfitting and memorizing data patterns. To avoid over-fitting, and enhance their generalization and performance, various methods have been suggested in the literature, including dropout, regularization, label smoothing, etc. One such method is augmentation which introduces different types of corruption in the data to prevent the model from overfitting and memorizing patterns present in the data. A sub-area of data augmentation is image mixing and deleting. This specific type of augmentation either deletes image regions or mixes two images to hide or make particular characteristics of images confusing for the network, forcing it to emphasize the overall structure of the object in an image. Models trained with this approach have proven to perform and generalize well compared to those trained without image mixing or deleting. An added benefit that comes with this method of training is robustness against image corruption. Due to its low computational cost and recent success, researchers have proposed many image mixing and deleting techniques. We furnish an in-depth survey of image mixing and deleting techniques and provide categorization via their most distinguishing features. We initiate our discussion with some fundamental relevant concepts. Next, we present essentials, such as each category’s strengths and limitations, describing their working mechanism, basic formulations, and applications. We also discuss the general challenges and recommend possible future research directions for image mixing and deleting data augmentation techniques.

Cut and Delete

Cut and Mix

Mix and Up


Fine Grained Image Recognition

Object Detection


Self-Supervised Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning

Adversarial Training

Privacy Preserving

Point Clouds

Text Classification

Audio Classification


If you find this paper useful in your research, please cite the paper:

  title={Survey: Image mixing and deleting for data augmentation},
  author={Naveed, Humza and Anwar, Saeed and Hayat, Munawar and Javed, Kashif and Mian, Ajmal}, 
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.07085},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07085},