


A simple bibliography manager using dmenu



Move all the files to $PATH.


Need to set two environment variables:

SER to Search BibTeX on Internet:

Two ways to search: Text or PDF.



REF to Get BibTeX label for reference

Choose the criterion to search in $BIB. Copy the label of chosen bibtex to clipboard.

OPN to open corresponding pdf file

Choose the criterion to search in $BIB. Open the corresponding pdf in $BIB_PDF_PATH.

PDF to Manually Rename and encode metadata into pdf

Choose pdf files, and choose which bibtex entry to generate metadata.

PDF will be renamed as bibtex label, and attached with Title, Author, and doi metadata.

AUO to Automatically rename and encode metadata into pdf

Automatically go through all pdf files in $BIB_PDF_PATH, check whether correctly named. Dmenubib will generate a list of unmatched pdf files, and allow manual rename and encode metadata using PDF function.

Caveat: AUO update pdf based on pdf filename. So if you update your bibtex and want to update metadata, use PDF instead.

NTE to write notes for each reference

Store the notes for each paper as markdown file in $BIB_PDF_PATH/Notes.

Each .md file is named after the bibtex label in $BIB.