


Official PyTorch implementation for the paper:

Mimic: Speaking Style Disentanglement for Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation, AAAI 2024.

Hui Fu, Zeqing Wang, Ke Gong, Keze Wang, Tianshui Chen, Haojie Li, Haifeng Zeng, Wenxiong Kang

<a href='https://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.10877.pdf'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2312.10877-red'></a> <a href='https://zeqing-wang.github.io/Mimic/'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Project-Video-Green'></a>

<p align="center"> <img src="framework.png" width="75%"/> </p>

Speech-driven 3D facial animation aims to synthesize vivid facial animations that accurately synchronize with speech and match the unique speaking style. However, existing works primarily focus on achieving precise lip synchronization while neglecting to model the subject-specific speaking style, often resulting in unrealistic facial animations. To the best of our knowledge, this work makes the first attempt to explore the coupled information between the speaking style and the semantic content in facial motions. Specifically, we introduce an innovative speaking style disentanglement method, which enables arbitrary-subject speaking style encoding and leads to a more realistic synthesis of speech-driven facial animations. Subsequently, we propose a novel framework called Mimic to learn disentangled representations of the speaking style and content from facial motions by building two latent spaces for style and content, respectively. Moreover, to facilitate disentangled representation learning, we introduce four well-designed constraints: an auxiliary style classifier, an auxiliary inverse classifier, a content contrastive loss, and a pair of latent cycle losses, which can effectively contribute to the construction of the identity-related style space and semantic-related content space. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments conducted on three publicly available datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods and is capable of capturing diverse speaking styles for speech-driven 3D facial animation.

<p align="center"> <img src="comparisons.png" width="95%"/> </p>




Other necessary packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt


We provide some demos for 3D-HDTF. Please follow the process to run the demos.

  1. Prepare data and pretrained models

    Clone the repository using: git clone https://github.com/huifu99/Mimic.git .

    Download the 3D-HDTF data for demos and model trained using 3D-HDTF. Then put them to the root directory of Mimic.

    Prepare the SPECTRE model trained on HDTF and dependencies of SPECTRE and put it to external/spectre/. Organize the files into the following structure:

      └─── demos
         └─── wav
         └─── style_ref
      └─── pretrained
         └───<experiment name>
            └─── Epoch_x.pth
      └─── external
            └─── data
            └─── pretrained
               └─── HDTF_pretrained
            └─── ...
      └─── models
      └─── ...
  2. Run demos

    Run the following command to get the demo results (.npy file for vertices and .mp4 for videos) in demos/results:

    python demo.py --wav_file demos/wav/RD_Radio11_001.wav --style_ref id_002-RD_Radio11_001

    Your can change the parameters such as --wav_file and --style_ref according to your path. The process of generating style reference file will be provided soon.

Training and Evaluation


  1. Data Preparation

    Download our processed 3D-HDTF (extraction code: HDTF) data and put it in ./3D-HDTF or your own directory.

  2. Training

    • Modify your data path (or other settings) in the config file: ./config/HDTF/config.yaml. (optional)
    • Run the train script: python train.py --config ./config/HDTF/config.yaml
  3. Evaluation


We heavily borrow the code from CodeTalker, VOCA and SPECTRE. Thanks for sharing their code. Our 3D-HDTF dataset is based on HDTF. Third-party packages are owned by their respective authors and must be used under their respective licenses.


If you find the code useful for your work, please star this repo and consider citing:

  title={Mimic: Speaking Style Disentanglement for Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation},
  author={Hui Fu, Zeqing Wang, Ke Gong, Keze Wang, Tianshui Chen, Haojie Li, Haifeng Zeng, Wenxiong Kang},
  booktitle={The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},