


What is it ?

CodeBro CodeBro is a web based code browser, using clang AST parser to create cross-reference between function calls. For those interested, all this idea came from Eli Bendersky's website. Parsing AST makes it easy to spot trivial bugs, and using callgraph makes it easier to focus on potential exploitability on this bug.

It is NOT built in any way for production use and do not make it reachable from public Internet or "You're gonna have a bad time" !


That being said, if you still wanna go further, read below.



codebro can be setup manually or as a bundle using docker. The latter is recommended as it makes the whole process of deployment totally automatic.

Using Vagrant (recommended)

$ git clone https://github.com/hugsy/codebro.git && cd codebro
$ vagrant up --provision

That's all folks ! Vagrant will forward TCP/8000 to your codebro instance in the VM. Start using codebro by visiting http://localhost:8000.


$ mkvirtualenv codebro
$ workon codebro
$ git clone https://github.com/hugsy/codebro.git && pip install -r codebro/requirements.txt
$ python -c 'import django; import clang;' && echo 'Party can start now!'
$ cd codebro
$ ./manage.py syncdb
$ ./manage.py runserver

License & Author

Written by @hugsy and released under GPL v2