

<h1> Split! <img align="right" src="Resources/icon-radius.png" width=74px> </h1> <br/> <p align="center"> <img align="center" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67365803/170351859-860bc194-149e-41eb-8fa2-5ed8af58e5af.png#gh-light-mode-only" width=250px> <img align="center" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67365803/170351861-d1d8803d-094c-4909-bf58-3d90d5aa52c6.png#gh-dark-mode-only" width=250px> </p>

Split! is a free1 app for iOS and iPadOS, that allows a group of people to easily share expenses from a common receipt. For example, roommates can do their shopping and pay for everything together. Afterwards, one of them can scan the receipt, and attribute each expense to one person, several people or the whole group. The app will calculate everyone's total, much faster than if you had to do it by hand. <br/>

Split! is no longer available on the App Store as of 15/07/2023. If you want to try it out, you can install it from a Mac using Xcode.


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Technical Details


Split! was selected as a winner of Apple's Swift Student Challenge at WWDC 2022. My project was further selected among the 12 best projects of this year, and presented in front of Tim Cook!


  1. Split! is free, ad-free, does not collect your data. It is developed independently by a student in his spare time. If you want to support the project, you can download the app and leave a tip!

  2. Except when using Tricount's services, which require an internet connection and acceptance of Tricount's privacy policy.

  3. Split! is not affiliated in any way with Tricount. It does not use the official Tricount API, but a workaround.