


streaming startin

To compile them all

cargo build --release

--release makes the whole pipeline a whoooole lot faster, but you can't debug

Three different binaries

1. sstfin

To see the format of the output stream ("spa" is streaming point ascii; binary to follow at some point)

export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop.laz 10 > ./data/crop_10.spa

Multiple LAZ files if you provide them in a myfiles.files, see the example in ./data/crop_1_2.files. This reads crop_1.laz and then crop_2.laz (in that order); I split crop.laz to obtain those 2 files.

export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop_1_2.files 10 > /dev/null/

.spa file

# sstfin
n 212550
c 16
s 10
b 84600.000 447000.000 84699.998 447099.999
x 0 10
x 0 11
v 84601.790 447091.302 6.554
v 84660.438 447055.597 0.796
v 84637.450 447010.511 8.879
v 84662.152 447009.066 3.018
v 84669.030 447052.681 0.930
v 84603.720 447072.709 0.105
x 2 3

2. sstdt

export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop.laz 10 |  ./target/release/sstdt > ./data/crop_10.sma

output file

# sstdt
b 84600.000 447000.000 84699.998 447099.999
v 84693.637 447002.81 1.426
v 84693.613 447003.032 1.442
v 84693.468 447002.902 1.451
v 84693.564 447002.678 1.415
f 1 2 3
f 1 3 4
x 1
v 84692.714 447003.735 1.768
v 84692.743 447003.653 1.756
f 7 8 9
f 7 11 12
f 7 12 13
f 7 13 8
x 7

3. sstats

./target/release/sstats ./data/crop.laz
count:    212550
x-extent: 99.998
y-extent: 99.999
| cells | resolution | avg/cell | max/cell |
   8x8       13m          3321       4875
  16x16       7m           966       1676
  32x32       4m           363        661
  64x64       2m            92        224
 128x128      1m            23         87
 256x256      1m            23         87
 512x512      1m            23         87