


This repository contains recipes for training generative music models on top of the Descript Audio Codec.

Listen to the audio examples here!

HuggingFace Space coming soon!

Setting up


git clone https://github.com/hugofloresgarcia/vampnet2.git
pip install -e ./vampnet2

A note on argbind

This repository relies on argbind to manage CLIs and config files. Config files are stored in the conf/ folder.

Getting the Pretrained Models

Download the pretrained models from this link. Then, extract the models to the models/ folder.


First, you'll want to set up your environment

source ./env/env.sh

Launching the Gradio Interface

TODO: add instructions for the new model when we have it?

python demo.py --args.load conf/interface/spotdl.yml --Interface.device cuda

Training a model

Staging a Run

Staging a run makes a copy of all the git-tracked files in the codebase and saves them to a folder for reproducibility. You can then run the training script from the staged folder.

stage --name my_run --run_dir /path/to/staging/folder

now, run the training script.

python scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/vampnet.yml --save_path /path/to/checkpoint

see python scripts/exp/train.py -h for more options.

Evaluating a model

To evaluate a model, you'll need to generate samples from the test set, then compute metrics on those samples.

Generating Samples

use the scripts/utils/vamp_folder.py script to generate samples from a folder of audio files.

TODO: update interface ckpt

python scripts/utils/vamp_folder.py  --args.load conf/interface/spotdl.yml --Interface.device cuda --exp_type sampling-steps

see python scripts/utils/vamp_folder.py -h for more options.


TODO: will the new model need coarse and c2f? should update this script To fine-tune a model, use the script in scripts/exp/fine_tune.py to generate 3 configuration files: c2f.yml, coarse.yml, and interface.yml. The first two are used to fine-tune the coarse and fine models, respectively. The last one is used to fine-tune the interface.

python scripts/exp/fine_tune.py "/path/to/audio1.mp3 /path/to/audio2/ /path/to/audio3.wav" <fine_tune_name>

This will create a folder under conf/<fine_tune_name>/ with the 3 configuration files.

The save_paths will be set to runs/<fine_tune_name>/coarse and runs/<fine_tune_name>/c2f.

launch the coarse job:

python scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/<fine_tune_name>/coarse.yml

this will save the coarse model to runs/<fine_tune_name>/coarse/ckpt/best/.

launch the c2f job:

python  scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/<fine_tune_name>/c2f.yml

launch the interface:

python  demo.py --args.load conf/generated/<fine_tune_name>/interface.yml

Launching the Gradio Interface

python demo.py --args.load conf/interface/spotdl.yml --Interface.device cuda