

Reportr used to be a thing. It has ceased to be. Don't use this code. This repo is archived.

Battery Reportr

A module to report your Mac's battery data to your instance of Reportr. It may work with Linux, frankly, I have no idea. It will not work with Windows.


Assuming you've got a running instance of Reportr,

  1. Clone this repo
  2. mv config.example.json config.json
  3. Fill in config.json, it's pretty self-explanatory. Don't put a trailing / character on the host!
  4. crontab -e
  1. Enter * * * * * node /Path/To/Your/Cloned/Directory/tracker.js

This will report your battery data once every minute, on the minute. You can run the command manually too if you like, but irregular data isn't fun.


  1. It may be nice to make this a global node executable, but I'm not sure how those work yet. The install script (if there's such a way to hook into that) could put your config file in ~/.config which seems like as good a place as any.
  2. As soon as there's a way to share report configurations for reportr, I will release my report configuration. For now, here's a picture:

Report View
