

awesome-neural-reprogramming-acoustic-prompting Awesome

A curated list of awesome adversarial reprogramming and input prompting methods for neural networks since 2022.

News - Dr. Pin-Yu Chen and Huck will give a tutortial on adversarial reprogramming at ICASSP 2022. Video

How to empower frozen large-scale pre-trained models with reprogramming and prompting toward different applications is the next big challenge of Deep Learning. Welcome to commit and pull request!

<img src="https://github.com/huckiyang/awesome-neural-reprogramming-prompting/blob/main/repro-prompt-chh.png" width="300">

Neural Adapters in Decoder, Encoder, and Inputs

Differentially Private Adapters for Parameter Efficient Acoustic ModelingC.-W. Ho et al.codeInterspeech 2023
Parameter-Efficient Learning for Text-to-Speech Accent AdaptationL.-J. Yang et al.codeInterspeech 2023
A Parameter-Efficient Learning Approach to Arabic Dialect Identification with Pre-Trained General-Purpose Speech ModelS. Radhakrishnan et al.codeInterspeech 2023

Neural Reprogramming or Adversarial Reprogramming or Offsite-Tuning

Reprogramming Self-supervised Learning-based Speech Representations for Speaker AnonymizationX. Chen et al.-ACM MM Asia 2023
Offsite-Tuning: Transfer Learning without Full ModelG. Xiao et al.codearxiv 2023
Music Instrument Classification ReprogrammedH.-H. Chen et al.-MMM 2023
From English to More Languages: Parameter-Efficient Model Reprogramming for Cross-Lingual Speech RecognitionCHH Yang et al.-ICASSP 2023
Reprogrammable-FL: Improving Utility-Privacy Tradeoff in Federated Learning via Model ReprogrammingHuzaifa Arif et al.codeSaTML 2023
Fairness ReprogrammingG. Zhang et al.codeNeurIPS 2022
Low-Resource Music Genre Classification with Advanced Neural Model ReprogrammingY.-N. Hung et al.codeICASSP 2023
Reprogramming Large Pretrained Language Models for Antibody Sequence InfillingI. Melnyk et al.-Arxiv 2022
Adversarial Reprogramming RevisitedM. Englert et al.-NeurIPS 2022
Reprogramming Large Pretrained Language Models for Antibody Sequence InfillingI. Melnyk et al.-Arxiv 2022
Rep-Net: Efficient On-Device Learning via Feature ReprogrammingL. Yang et al.codeCVPR 2022
Improved Input Reprogramming for GAN ConditioningT. Dinh et al.-Arxiv 2022
Cross-modal Adversarial ReprogrammingP. Neekhara et al.codeWACV 2022
A Study of Low-Resource Speech Commands Recognition based on Adversarial ReprogrammingH Yen et al.codeInterspeech 23
WARP: Word-level Adversarial ReProgrammingK. Hambardzumyan et al.codeACL 2021
Voice2series: Reprogramming acoustic models for time series classificationCHH Yang, et al.codeICML 2021
Transfer learning without knowing: Reprogramming black-box machine learning models with scarce data and limited resourcesY Tsai et al.codeICML 2020
Reprogramming GANs via Input Noise DesignK Lee et al.-ECML 2019
Adversarial Reprogramming of Text Classification Neural NetworksP. Neekhara et al.codeEMNLP 2019
Adversarial reprogramming of neural networksF. Elsayed et al.codeICLR 2019

Input-Level Neural Model Prompting for Vision and Speech

Understanding and Improving Visual Prompting: A Label-Mapping PerspectiveA. Chen et al.-Arxiv 2022
AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio GenerationZ. Borsos et al.-Arxiv 2022
WAVPROMPT: Towards Few-Shot Spoken Language Understanding with Frozen Language ModelsH. Gao et al.-Arxiv 2022
An Exploration of Prompt Tuning on Generative Spoken Language Model for Speech Processing TasksK.-W. Chang et al.codeInterspeech 2022
Visual Prompting: Modifying Pixel Space to Adapt Pre-trained ModelsH. Bahng et al.-Arxiv 2022


Fine-Tuning can Distort Pretrained Features and Underperform Out-of-DistributionA. Kumar et al.-ICLR 2022