

Hubot: hubot-auth

Build Status

Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts.

See src/auth.coffee for full documentation.


Add hubot-auth to your package.json file:

npm install --save hubot-auth

Add hubot-auth to your external-scripts.json:


Run npm install

Sample Interaction

user1>> hubot user2 has jester role
hubot>> OK, user2 has the jester role.

Sample Usage

Restricting commands

module.exports = (robot) ->
  # Command listener
  robot.respond /some command/i, (msg) ->
    role = 'some-role'
    user = robot.brain.userForName(msg.message.user.name)
    return msg.reply "#{name} does not exist" unless user?
    unless robot.auth.hasRole(user, role)
      msg.reply "Access Denied. You need role #{role} to perform this action."
    # Some commandy stuff
    msg.reply 'Command done!'

Example Interaction

user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Access Denied. You need role some-role to perform this action.
user1>> hubot user2 has some-role role
hubot>> OK, user2 has the some-role role.
user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Command done!