

Requirements and Dependency

pip install visdom


Here, we provide the code for reproducing the main experiments on ImageNet datasets.

1. Prepare the dataset:

Download the ImageNet-1K datasets, and put it in the dir: ./data/imageNet/ or you can specify your datapath by changing --dataset-root=/your-data-path

2. Run scripts of experiments:

We provide the scripts in ./experiments/, including the experiments on the ResNet, ResNeXt, Mobilenet-V2 and ShuffleNet-V2 .

3. Results of object detection for COCO:

We provide the codes in ./ObjectDetection/, based on the mask-rcnn codebase

4.Pre-trained models:

ResNet-50-XBNBlock-standard_train, ResNet-50-XBNBlock-advanced_train, [ResNeXt-50-XBNBlock-advanced_train