

TCP: Textual-based Class-aware Prompt tuning for Visual-Language Model[CVPR24]

TCP: Textual-based Class-aware Prompt tuning for Visual-Language Model<br> Hantao Yao, Rui Zhang, Changsheng Xu

How to Install

This code is built on top of the toolbox Dassl. You can prepare the environment as follows:

# Create a conda environment
conda create -n dassl python=3.7

# Activate the environment
conda activate dassl

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install torch (version >= 1.7.1) and torchvision
# Please make sure you have installed the gpu version due to the speed.
# For example:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

# Install this library (no need to re-build if the source code is modified)
python setup.py develop

After that, run pip install -r requirements.txt under Textual-based_Class-aware_prompt_tuning/ to install a few more packages required by CLIP (this should be done when dassl is activated). Then, you are ready to go.

Follow DATASETS.md to install the datasets.

[Importantly]Adjust EPS in Adam optimzier

Since using the standard AdaW on the fp16 data will produce NaN loss, we thus set the EPS in AdaW as 1e-3. The discussion can also be see https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/adam-half-precision-nans/1765.

Line 80: ./Dassl.pytorch/dassl/optim/optimizer.py

if optim == "adam":
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
        betas=(adam_beta1, adam_beta2),

Generalization From Base to New Classes

You will need base2new_train_main.sh. The scripts with the prefix base2new_train train a model on base classes while the ones with the prefix base2new_test evaluate the trained model on new classes. Both kinds of scripts have only one input argument, i.e., DATASET. DATASET takes as input a dataset name, like imagenet or caltech101. The valid names are the files' names in CoOp/configs/datasets/.

Below we provide an example on how to evaluate the model on ImageNet.

bash base2new_train.sh

When the evaluation is done, you can use parse_test_res.py to automatically calculate the average results. For instance, after you finish the evaluation using the aforementioned commands, you would get

Then, to get the average performance on the base classes, run

python parse_test_res.py output/base2new/train_base/stanford_cars/shots_16/CoCoOp/rn50_ep100

To get the average performance on the new classes, run

python parse_test_res.py output/base2new/test_new/stanford_cars/shots_16/CoCoOp/rn50_ep100 --test-log


If you use our work, please consider citing:

    title={TCP: Textual-based Class-aware Prompt tuning for Visual-Language Model},
    author={Hantao Yao, Rui Zhang, Changsheng Xu},
    booktitle={The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},