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encoding_rs an implementation of the (non-JavaScript parts of) the Encoding Standard written in Rust.

The Encoding Standard defines the Web-compatible set of character encodings, which means this crate can be used to decode Web content. encoding_rs is used in Gecko starting with Firefox 56. Due to the notable overlap between the legacy encodings on the Web and the legacy encodings used on Windows, this crate may be of use for non-Web-related situations as well; see below for links to adjacent crates.

Additionally, the mem module provides various operations for dealing with in-RAM text (as opposed to data that's coming from or going to an IO boundary). The mem module is a module instead of a separate crate due to internal implementation detail efficiencies.


Due to the Gecko use case, encoding_rs supports decoding to and encoding from UTF-16 in addition to supporting the usual Rust use case of decoding to and encoding from UTF-8. Additionally, the API has been designed to be FFI-friendly to accommodate the C++ side of Gecko.

Specifically, encoding_rs does the following:

Additionally, encoding_rs::mem does the following:

Integration with std::io

Notably, the above feature list doesn't include the capability to wrap a std::io::Read, decode it into UTF-8 and presenting the result via std::io::Read. The encoding_rs_io crate provides that capability.

no_std Environment

The crate works in a no_std environment. By default, the alloc feature, which assumes that an allocator is present is enabled. For a no-allocator environment, the default features (i.e. alloc) can be turned off. This makes the part of the API that returns Vec/String/Cow unavailable.

Decoding Email

For decoding character encodings that occur in email, use the charset crate instead of using this one directly. (It wraps this crate and adds UTF-7 decoding.)

Windows Code Page Identifier Mappings

For mappings to and from Windows code page identifiers, use the codepage crate.

DOS Encodings

This crate does not support single-byte DOS encodings that aren't required by the Web Platform, but the oem_cp crate does.

Preparing Text for the Encoders

Normalizing text into Unicode Normalization Form C prior to encoding text into a legacy encoding minimizes unmappable characters. Text can be normalized to Unicode Normalization Form C using the icu_normalizer crate.

The exception is windows-1258, which after normalizing to Unicode Normalization Form C requires tone marks to be decomposed in order to minimize unmappable characters. Vietnamese tone marks can be decomposed using the detone crate.


TL;DR: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause for the code and data combination.

Please see the file named COPYRIGHT.

The non-test code that isn't generated from the WHATWG data in this crate is under Apache-2.0 OR MIT. Test code is under CC0.

This crate contains code/data generated from WHATWG-supplied data. The WHATWG upstream changed its license for portions of specs incorporated into source code from CC0 to BSD-3-Clause between the initial release of this crate and the present version of this crate. The in-source licensing legends have been updated for the parts of the generated code that have changed since the upstream license change.


Generated API documentation is available online.

There is a long-form write-up about the design and internals of the crate.

C and C++ bindings

An FFI layer for encoding_rs is available as a separate crate. The crate comes with a demo C++ wrapper using the C++ standard library and GSL types.

The bindings for the mem module are in the encoding_c_mem crate.

For the Gecko context, there's a C++ wrapper using the MFBT/XPCOM types.

There's a write-up about the C++ wrappers.

Sample programs

Optional features

There are currently these optional cargo features:


Enables SIMD acceleration using the nightly-dependent portable_simd standard library feature.

This is an opt-in feature, because enabling this feature opts out of Rust's guarantees of future compilers compiling old code (aka. "stability story").

Currently, this has not been tested to be an improvement except for these targets and enabling the simd-accel feature is expected to break the build on other targets:

If you use nightly Rust, you use targets whose first component is one of the above, and you are prepared to have to revise your configuration when updating Rust, you should enable this feature. Otherwise, please do not enable this feature.

Used by Firefox.


Enables support for serializing and deserializing &'static Encoding-typed struct fields using Serde.

Not used by Firefox.


A catch-all option for enabling the fastest legacy encode options. Does not affect decode speed or UTF-8 encode speed.

At present, this option is equivalent to enabling the following options:

Adds 176 KB to the binary size.

Not used by Firefox.


Changes encoding precomposed Hangul syllables into EUC-KR from binary search over the decode-optimized tables to lookup by index making Korean plain-text encode about 4 times as fast as without this option.

Adds 20 KB to the binary size.

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Changes encoding of Hanja into EUC-KR from linear search over the decode-optimized table to lookup by index. Since Hanja is practically absent in modern Korean text, this option doesn't affect perfomance in the common case and mainly makes sense if you want to make your application resilient agaist denial of service by someone intentionally feeding it a lot of Hanja to encode into EUC-KR.

Adds 40 KB to the binary size.

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Changes encoding of Kanji into Shift_JIS, EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP from linear search over the decode-optimized tables to lookup by index making Japanese plain-text encode to legacy encodings 30 to 50 times as fast as without this option (about 2 times as fast as with less-slow-kanji-encode).

Takes precedence over less-slow-kanji-encode.

Adds 36 KB to the binary size (24 KB compared to less-slow-kanji-encode).

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Makes JIS X 0208 Level 1 Kanji (the most common Kanji in Shift_JIS, EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP) encode less slow (binary search instead of linear search) making Japanese plain-text encode to legacy encodings 14 to 23 times as fast as without this option.

Adds 12 KB to the binary size.

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Changes encoding of Hanzi in the CJK Unified Ideographs block into GBK and gb18030 from linear search over a part the decode-optimized tables followed by a binary search over another part of the decode-optimized tables to lookup by index making Simplified Chinese plain-text encode to the legacy encodings 100 to 110 times as fast as without this option (about 2.5 times as fast as with less-slow-gb-hanzi-encode).

Takes precedence over less-slow-gb-hanzi-encode.

Adds 36 KB to the binary size (24 KB compared to less-slow-gb-hanzi-encode).

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Makes GB2312 Level 1 Hanzi (the most common Hanzi in gb18030 and GBK) encode less slow (binary search instead of linear search) making Simplified Chinese plain-text encode to the legacy encodings about 40 times as fast as without this option.

Adds 12 KB to the binary size.

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Changes encoding of Hanzi in the CJK Unified Ideographs block into Big5 from linear search over a part the decode-optimized tables to lookup by index making Traditional Chinese plain-text encode to Big5 105 to 125 times as fast as without this option (about 3 times as fast as with less-slow-big5-hanzi-encode).

Takes precedence over less-slow-big5-hanzi-encode.

Adds 40 KB to the binary size (20 KB compared to less-slow-big5-hanzi-encode).

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.


Makes Big5 Level 1 Hanzi (the most common Hanzi in Big5) encode less slow (binary search instead of linear search) making Traditional Chinese plain-text encode to Big5 about 36 times as fast as without this option.

Adds 20 KB to the binary size.

Does not affect decode speed.

Not used by Firefox.

Performance goals

For decoding to UTF-16, the goal is to perform at least as well as Gecko's old uconv. For decoding to UTF-8, the goal is to perform at least as well as rust-encoding. These goals have been achieved.

Encoding to UTF-8 should be fast. (UTF-8 to UTF-8 encode should be equivalent to memcpy and UTF-16 to UTF-8 should be fast.)

Speed is a non-goal when encoding to legacy encodings. By default, encoding to legacy encodings should not be optimized for speed at the expense of code size as long as form submission and URL parsing in Gecko don't become noticeably too slow in real-world use.

In the interest of binary size, by default, encoding_rs does not have encode-specific data tables beyond 32 bits of encode-specific data for each single-byte encoding. Therefore, encoders search the decode-optimized data tables. This is a linear search in most cases. As a result, by default, encode to legacy encodings varies from slow to extremely slow relative to other libraries. Still, with realistic work loads, this seemed fast enough not to be user-visibly slow on Raspberry Pi 3 (which stood in for a phone for testing) in the Web-exposed encoder use cases.

See the cargo features above for optionally making CJK legacy encode fast.

A framework for measuring performance is available separately.

Rust Version Compatibility

It is a goal to support the latest stable Rust, the latest nightly Rust and the version of Rust that's used for Firefox Nightly.

At this time, there is no firm commitment to support a version older than what's required by Firefox, and there is no commitment to treat MSRV changes as semver-breaking, because this crate depends on cfg-if, which doesn't appear to treat MSRV changes as semver-breaking, so it would be useless for this crate to treat MSRV changes as semver-breaking.

As of 2024-04-04, MSRV appears to be Rust 1.36.0 for using the crate and 1.42.0 for doc tests to pass without errors about the global allocator. With the simd-accel feature, the MSRV is even higher.

Compatibility with rust-encoding

A compatibility layer that implements the rust-encoding API on top of encoding_rs is provided as a separate crate (cannot be uploaded to crates.io). The compatibility layer was originally written with the assuption that Firefox would need it, but it is not currently used in Firefox.

Regenerating Generated Code

To regenerate the generated code:


Release Notes






























































The initial release.