


Deckard is a static/dynamic analysis tool for Xposed modules written in Python 3. The main executable is located in src/deckard.py. The native library logging hooks via dynamic analysis is located in hooklib, which also contains scripts to provision a pre-configured emulator in hooklib/emulator.


$ ./deckard.sh
usage: src/deckard.py <static|dynamic|show> <path_to.apk|path_to.report>


Deckard in action analyzing GravityBox:

overview hook detail


In order to use Deckard, required third party Python modules can be installed to a virtual environment using setup.sh. The setup script will also run yarn install to download the necessary dependencies for the web UI (Bootstrap, jQuery, etc.).

A wrapper deckard.sh is provided to execute Deckard within this virtual environment.

Dynamic Analysis using the Android Emulator (recommended)

A Dockerfile is provided to boot up a container running the Android emulator. It will also patch the emulator images to preload the dynamic analysis library.

  1. Build the dynamic analysis helper library (hooklib), e.g. by using hooklib/build.sh
  2. Place the Xposed module to analyze in hooklib/emulator/apks. If you are aware of external applications targeted by the module, place them in the same folder.
  3. Run the emulator and pipe the device's logcat to the Deckard application, like so: ./hooklib/emulator/run.sh | ./deckard.sh dynamic hooklib/emulator/apks/xposed_module.apk.
  4. If the module needs additional stimulation, for instance launching a specific application, you can use the VNC viewer provided at http://localhost:6080 (replace localhost if Docker is on a different host).

The first boot take a few minutes. Initial setup also requires a reboot that will be performed automatically. Deckard will print incoming hook messages. Once you are finished with capture, hit CTRL-C to stop the container and save the report.

Dynamic Analysis using a real device/custom emulator

If you'd like to perform dynamic analysis on a real device or with custom emulator setups, additional setup steps are required: