

output: html_document: keep_md: true md_document: variant: markdown_github

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A package of R markdown templates and knitr knit engine replacments

These are a set of alternate R markdown templates that do not use Bootstrap and do not include or rely on jQuery. These are primarily here for demonstration purposes but are also useful in and of themselves (it's always good to have choices). If you have a particular framework you like and it's not here, file an issue and I'll add it.

When you use RStudio to create a new R Markdown document, select "From Template" and choose one of these templates.

knit engine replacements

The to_jupyter() engine will be used and notedown will be used to convert the notebook to a Jupyter (ipynb) notebook. The run parameter is optional. If not present or set to true the notebook will be executed as it is converted to a Jupyter notebook. The engine is also now smart enough to detect the absence of pure R code chunks and avoid including of:

%load_ext rpy2.ipython

at the top of the notebook.


Since the package is not on CRAN yet, you have to install it devtools-style

# OR
# OR

Bulma example

Skeleton/default example

Kube example

Minimal example