

Instance Segmentation with a Discriminative Loss Function

Tensorflow implementation of Semantic Instance Segmentation with a Discriminative Loss Function trained on the TuSimple dataset


├── data here the data should be stored
│        └── tusimple_dataset_processing.py processes the TuSimple dataset
├── doc documentation
├── inference_test inference related data
│        └── images for testing the inference
├── trained_model pretrained model for finetuning
├── clustering.py mean-shift clustering
├── datagenerator.py feeds data for training and evaluation
├── enet.py Enet architecture
├── inference.py tests inference on images
├── loss.py defines discriminative loss function
├── README.md
├── training.py contains training pipeline
├── utils.py contains utilities files for building and initializing the graph
└── visualization.py contains visualization of the clustering and pixel embeddings



  1. To test the inference of the trained model execute:
    python inference.py --modeldir trained_model --outdir inference_test/results


  1. Download the TuSimple training dataset and extract its contents to the data folder. The folder structure should look like this:
    | data
    ├── train_set
    │     ├── clips
    │     ├── label_data_0313.json
    │     ├── label_data_0531.json
    │     ├── label_data_0601.json
    │     └── readme.md
  2. Run the following script to prepare images and labels.
    python data/tusimple_dataset_processing.py <train_data_dir>
    This should create the following images and labels folders:
    | data
    ├── train_set
    ├── images
    └── labels
  3. For training on the dataset execute:
    python training.py
    alternatively use optional parameters (default parameters in this example):
    python training --srcdir data --modeldir pretrained_semantic_model --outdir saved_model --logdir log --epochs 50 --var 1.0 --dist 1.0 --reg 1.0 --dvar 0.5 --ddist 1.5
  4. To test the trained network execute: python inference.py --modeldir saved_model

Training Pipeline

<img src="./doc/training_pipeline.png" width="1000px">

Training Visualization

Feature space projection of one image for consecutive gradient steps. Each point represents one pixel embedding and each color represents an instance in the label.

<img src="./doc/cluster_000000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_001000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_002000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_012000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_015000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_016000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_017000.png" width="200px"><img src="./doc/cluster_018000.png" width="200px">


<img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0000.png" width="300px"><img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0001.png" width="300px"><img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0002.png" width="300px"><img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0003.png" width="300px"><img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0004.png" width="300px"><img src="./inference_test/results/cluster_0005.png" width="300px">


Tensorflow version 1.2

Reference and Credits

This application uses Open Source components. We acknowledge and are grateful to these developers for their contributions to open source:

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