

AutoTDD with Travis-CI Support

Build Status Coverage Status


AutoTDD is an automated testing tool for continuously monitoring the test state of your project. You tests will be automatically executed when a method in your project changes. When a test fails, you will get instant feedback about what went wrong. It also displays current Travis build results.

A screenshot of AutoTDD


  1. Make sure you have metacello-work installed.
  2. Load the project with:
Metacello new
  baseline: 'AutoTDD';
  repository: 'github://hpi-swa-teaching/AutoTDD:master/packages';
  onConflict: [:ex | ex allow];

Now you can open the Test Auto Runner via Apps.

Upgrading from v2

If you are upgrading from v2 of AutoTDD, please make sure to close all traffic lights and windows and that no tests are running anymore, otherwise your image will probably crash.

Sound Customizations

If the AutoTDD folder is present in your Resources folder, you can use the following commands to reload AutoTDD's sounds into your image:

ATDDSoundPlayer new generateSoundMethods


A more technical documentation can either be found in the class comments or here: Documentation