

% shrink(1) | Compression program


SHRINK - An interface to the Shrink Compression Library


shrink -h

shrink [-lrvemz] -c [in.file] [out.file]

shrink [-lrvemz] -d [in.file] [out.file]

shrink [-lremz] string


Project:     Shrink: Small Compression Library
Maintainer:  Richard James Howe
License:     The Unlicense
Email:       howe.r.j.89@gmail.com
Website:     <https://github.com/howerj/shrink>

This project provides LZSS, LZP, and RLE compression routines, neither of which do any allocation internally apart from on the stack.

The project provides the routines as a library and as a utility program. The library is suitable for inclusion in an embedded project or product. Other CODECs have been added, some experimental, such as Move-To-Front (meant as an aid to other CODECs) and Elias-Gamma encoding.


File de/compression utility, default is compress with LZSS, can use RLE. If "out.file" is not given output is written to standard out, if "in.file" and "out.file" are not given input is taken from standard in and output to standard out.


This program returns zero on success and non-zero on failure.


You will need GNU Make and a C compiler that is capable of compiling C99. Type:


This will build a library ('libshrink.a') and an executable ('shrink', or 'shrink.exe' on Windows).

To execute a series of tests (this will require 'cmp' to be installed and on the PATH):

make test

Which will also build the library and execute if not, and compress and decompress some files.


For a full list of commands, after building, consult the build in help by giving the '-h' option:

./shrink -h

Example, compressing then decompressing a file:

./shrink -c file.txt file.smol
./shrink -d file.smol file.big

The command can be run as a filter:

./shrink < file.txt > file.smol

There is not too much to it.

C API and library integration

The C API is minimal, it provides just three function, a single data structure and an enumeration to select which CODEC is used. All functions return negative on failure and zero on success. All function assert their inputs so long as NDEBUG was not defined when the library was compiled.

The function shrink can be used with shrink_t data structure to redirect the compressors input and output arbitrarily. It requires that the user provides their own fgetc and fputc equivalent functions as the functions pointers get and put respectively. get returns the same as fgetc and put returns the same as fputc. get is passed *in and put is passed *out, as one would expect.

typedef struct {
	int (*get)(void *in);
	int (*put)(int ch, void *out);
	void *in, *out;
	size_t read, wrote;
} shrink_t;

int shrink(shrink_t *io, int codec, int encode);

The CODEC will continue to consume input with get until and EOF is returned or there is an error (an error could include being unable to output a byte or invalid input).

The read and wrote fields contain the number of bytes read in by get and written by put, they do not need to be updated by the API user.

A common use of any compression library is encoding blocks bytes in memory, as such the common example is provided for with the function shrink_buffer. Internally it uses shrink with some internally defined callbacks for get and put. Before execution *outlength should contain the length of _*out_ and after it contains the number of bytes written to the output (and zero if shrink_buffer return an error).

int shrink_buffer(int codec, int encode, const char *in,
	size_t inlength, char *out, size_t *outlength);

codec and encode are both used in the same way as shrink.

The function shrink_tests executes a series of built in self tests that checks that the basic functionality of the library is correct. If the NDEBUG macro is defined at library compile time then this function always returns success and the test functionality (and the associated code) is removed. If the tests are compiled in then a return value of zero indicates the tests completed successfully, and a negative value indicates failure.

int shrink_tests(void);

The library has minimal dependencies, just some memory related functions (specifically memset, memmove, memchr, and if tests are compiled in then memcmp and strlen are also used). assert is also used. If you have to hand roll your own memory functions in an embedded system, do not implement these functions naively - look into how optimize these functions, they will improve the performance of this library (and the rest of your system).

The CODEC is especially sensitive to the speed at which memchr matches characters, the musl C library shows that optimizing these very simple string functions such as memchr is non-trivial.

When the LZSS CODEC is used a fairly large buffer (~4KiB depending on options) is allocated on the stack. The RLE CODEC uses comparatively negligible resources. This large stack allocation may cause problems in embedded environments. There are two solutions to this problem, either decreasing the sliding window dictionary size (and hence decreasing the size of the stack allocation and decreasing compression efficiency) or by defining the macro USE_STATIC at compile time. This will change the allocation to be of a static storage duration, which means the LZSS CODEC will not be reentrant nor thread safe.

Further customization of the library can be done by editing to shrink.c. This is not usually ideal, however the library is tiny and the configurable parameters are macros at the beginning of shrink.c. Parameters that can be configured include the lookahead buffer size, the dictionary windows size, and the minimal match length of the LZSS CODEC, the RLE CODEC is also configurable, the only parameter is the run length however.

The test driver program main.c contains an example of stream redirection that reads from a FILE handle. This is not part of the library itself as the FILE set of functionality is not usually available in embedded systems.

Whilst every effort was made to ensure program correctness the library is written in an unsafe language, do not return the CODEC on untrusted input.

It is a shame that C lacks a facility for coroutines built into the language and available in a fully portable way, as they are a very easy way to make code non-blocking (useful in an cooperating multitasking environment) but they are also the easiest way to make programs that can chain partially produced output and feed it into consumer, for example chaining the output of the RLE CODEC into the input of the LZSS CODEC. C does not offer this facility and the only way to implement this start/stop functionality portably would complicate the internals of the library greatly, so it has not implemented, perhaps later.

There are many more ways of improving this library; more CODECs, improved speed, etcetera. They will not be implemented as the idea of this library is simplicity and a small size.


There are two CODECS available, RLE (Run Length Encoding) and LZSS (a type of dictionary encoding). The former is best for data that has lots of repetitions (such as sparse files contain many zeros), whereas LZSS can be used with arbitrary (compressible) data. The performance of LZSS is pretty poor in terms of its compression ratio, and the performance of the compressor code itself could be improved in terms of its speed. Both CODECS are small.


The Run Length Encoder works on binary data, it encodes successive runs of bytes as a length and the repeated byte up to runs of 127, or until a differing byte is found. This is then emitted as two bytes; the length and the byte to repeat. Input data with no runs in it is encoded as the length of the data that differs plus that data, up to 128 bytes can be encoded this way. If the first byte is larger than 128 then a run of literal data is encoded, if it is less, then it encodes a run of data.

The encoded data looks like this, for a run of literals:

 Command Byte       Data Byte(s)
| 128-255    | Literal Data ....        |

And this for a repetition of characters:

 Command Byte Data Byte
| 0-127      | Byte    |

An error occurs if a command byte is not follow by the requisite number of data bytes. How the encoding and decoding works should be trivial - examine the input for sequences of characters greater than the break-even point and output the repetition command, else output a literal run. LZSS requires more explanation.

The number of repetitions has 2 added to it, so it can encode between 2 and 129 characters. There is no point in encoding run lengths less than or equal to 2, so this is used to boost the maximum run length.


LZSS belongs to the dictionary compression family of lossless compression algorithms. They work by building up a dictionary and replacing strings with smaller references to those strings in the dictionary. The difference between all of the dictionary compression algorithms is in the details of how matches are encoded and how things are evicted from the dictionary (mostly).

LZSS encodes the data into references into the dynamically generated dictionary and into literal bytes, references look like this:

16-bit Reference Encoding:
| 0 bit   | 11 bit position | 4 bit length  |
11 and 4 are typical values.

And a literal is encoded as:

9-bit Literal Encoding:
| 1 bit   | 8 bit byte |

The encoder works like so:

  1. The dictionary is initialized, it must be initialized to the same value as the decoder is.
  2. The input buffer is filled up to the maximal string match
  3. Search for the longest match in the dictionary and if it equal to or larger than the minimal match length output a reference (a position and length) to that match, else write a literal value to the output. The output is prefixed with a single bit indicating whether the output is a reference or a literal.
  4. Move the emit output from the input buffer into the dictionary.
  5. Attempt to refill the input buffer with a string of equal length to the string just emitted.
  6. If there is no more input finish, else go to step 2 and repeat the process.

The decoder:

  1. Perform the same initialization as the encoder.
  2. Read in a single bit indicating the command. If it is a dictionary reference then output the string it refers to into the dictionary, if it is a literal, then output that literal character.
  3. Shift the output character(s) into the dictionary, evicting an equal number of the oldest characters that were in there.
  4. Repeat from step 2 until all input is consumed.

From the 'comp.compression' FAQ, part 2, the compression/encoder algorithm is described by the following succinct pseudocode:

while (lookAheadBuffer not empty) {
	get a pointer {position, match} to the longest match
	in the window for the lookahead buffer;

	if (length > MINIMUM_MATCH_LENGTH) {
		output a ( position, length ) pair;
		shift the window length characters along;
	} else {
		output the first character in the lookahead buffer;
		shift the window 1 character along;

Decompression is much fast than compression, compression is limited by the speed of the search for the longest match. Speeding up the match greatly increases the speed of compression.


The Move-To-Front translation is a reversible operation.

Elias-Gamma Encoding

Elias-Gamma encoding is a way of encoding binary numbers using a variable number of bits.


LZP is an incredibly simple compression method.

Other Libraries

From https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Data_Compression/Dictionary_compression and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33331552

Smaz is a simple compression library suitable for compressing very
short strings, such as URLs and single English sentences and short
HTML files.[2]

Much like Pike's algorithm, Smaz has a hard-wired constant built-in
codebook of 254 common English words, word fragments, bigrams, and the
lowercase letters (except j, k, q). The inner loop of the Smaz decoder
is very simple:

	* Fetch the next byte X from the compressed file.
	 1. Is X == 254? Single byte literal: fetch the next byte L,
	    and pass it straight through to the decoded text.
	 2. Is X == 255? Literal string: fetch the next byte L, then
	    pass the following L+1 bytes straight through to the
	    decoded text.
	 3. Any other value of X: lookup the X'th "word" in the
	    codebook (that "word" can be from 1 to 5 letters), and
	    copy that word to the decoded text.
	* Repeat until there are no more compressed bytes left in
	  the compressed file.

Because the codebook is constant, the Smaz decoder is unable to "learn"
new words and compress them, no matter how often they appear in the
original text.

It might be worth implementing a fixed dictionary CODEC system as part of this library. Compression, like some other fields, is a wonderful things, one where you can get decent results with quite a quite simple CODEC, and the most advanced CODEC is a yet to be invented general purposes artificial intelligence, we can of course use people in lieu.

An interesting article about adding another instruction to the LZSS CODEC is https://richg42.blogspot.com/2022/01/lzxor.html, LZSS can be thought of having two instructions, one for literal runs "LIT [BYTE]" and another for runs of data stored in a buffer "COPY [LENGTH, DISTANCE]". Extending LZSS with a third instruction based on Exclusive-Or (Addition or subtraction would also work, subtraction being especially interesting for making a compression CODEC for a SUBLEQ machine). The instruction looks like "XOR [LENGTH, DISTANCE, 1 OR MORE BYTE]" and can be used instead of LIT or COPY. It XORs the output buffer at DISTANCE bytes for LENGTH bytes with the following 1 or more bytes. This means partial matches can be encoded (which places a heavy burden on the encoder, decoding is simple). This CODEC is known as "LZ_XOR".


The code is placed under the Unlicense, which is effectively the public domain, do what thou wilt.

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